
Minimal implementation of Cardano coin selection algorithms (see CIP-2) developed solely for Trezor Suite. Under the hood it leverages Cardano Serialization Lib via WASM module.


  • Final tx plan: Compose transaction plan for given inputs (shelley utxos only), certificates (support for stake (de)registration and delegation), withdrawals,...
  • Draft tx plan: Return basic information about potential transaction (such as a size and fee) even for incomplete inputs (without an recipient address or an amount)
  • Set max: Calculate the max amount of an asset that is possible to include in a transaction output


const txPlan = coinSelection(
	txParams: {
        utxos: Utxo[];
        outputs: UserOutput[];
        changeAddress: string;
        certificates: Certificate[];
        withdrawals: Withdrawal[];
        accountPubKey: string;
        ttl?: number;
	options: {
        feeParams?: { a: string };
        debug?: boolean;
        forceLargestFirstSelection?: boolean;

coinSelection(txParams, options)


  • utxos: Array of account's utxo
  • outputs: Requested outputs provided by an user
  • changeAddress: An address where the change will be sent
  • certificates: Stake registration and/or delegation certificates (stake pool registration is not supported)
  • withdrawals: Withdrawal requests
  • accountPubKey: Account public key
  • ttl: Time-to-live for the transaction


  • forceLargestFirstSelection: Always use largest-first algorithm
  • debug: print debug information about coin-selection (selected utxos, outputs including change output,...)


Final tx plan

export const utxo1 = {
  txHash: '3c388acb799a37a4f1cc99bec7626637b0b80626b9ef7c7a687282cab701178d',
  outputIndex: 0,
  amount: [
      quantity: '5000000',
      unit: 'lovelace',

export const utxo2 = {
  txHash: '9e63fddf20cb7b5472e2c9a1bb4bbe3112b8f2b22e45bc441206bcddde5c58a0',
  outputIndex: 1,
  amount: [
      quantity: '5000000',
      unit: 'lovelace',
      quantity: '1000',
      unit: '02477d7c23b4c2834b0be8ca8578dde47af0cc82a964688f6fc95a7a47524943',

const txPlan = coinSelection(
	txParams: {
        utxos: Utxo[];
        outputs: [
            amount: '1000000',
            assets: [],
            setMax: false,
            amount: undefined,
            assets: [],
            setMax: true,
        changeAddress: `addr1q8u2f05rprqjhygz22m06mhy4xrnqvqqpyuzhmxqfxnwvxz8d2kd47hsre5v9urjyu8s0ryk38dxzw0t5jesncw4v90s22tk0f`,
        certificates: [],
        withdrawals: [],

// txPlan
// {
//   max: '7480901',
//   totalSpent: '8655202',
//   fee: '174301',
//   inputs: [utxo1, utxo2],
//   outputs: [
//     {
//       address:
//         'addr1qya0nkzrf04gmcpu66vdt7sudwptnyg5df6475y7jhtt2wc44vzmgrfy6wwf69xlaszdslksw8evveyykw4c82eavq7sx29tlc',
//       amount: '1000000',
//       assets: [],
//       setMax: false,
//     },
//     {
//       address:
//         'addr1qya0nkzrf04gmcpu66vdt7sudwptnyg5df6475y7jhtt2wc44vzmgrfy6wwf69xlaszdslksw8evveyykw4c82eavq7sx29tlc',
//       amount: '7480901',
//       assets: [],
//       setMax: true,
//     },
//     {
//       isChange: true,
//       address: changeAddress,
//       amount: '1344798',
//       assets: [
//         {
//           quantity: '1000',
//           unit: '02477d7c23b4c2834b0be8ca8578dde47af0cc82a964688f6fc95a7a47524943',
//         },
//       ],
//     },
//   ],
// },

Draft tx plan

const txPlan = coinSelection(
        utxos: [utxo1];
        outputs: [
                address: undefined, // address not filled
                amount: '2000000',
                assets: [],
                setMax: false,
        changeAddress: `addr1q8u2f05rprqjhygz22m06mhy4xrnqvqqpyuzhmxqfxnwvxz8d2kd47hsre5v9urjyu8s0ryk38dxzw0t5jesncw4v90s22tk0f`,
        certificates: [],
        withdrawals: [],

// txPlan:
// {
//     totalSpent: '2168053',
//     fee: '168053',
// },


  • If there are certificates present or the transaction includes an output with setMax: true then largest-first algorithm will be used instead of random-improve.