
Django Storage Engine which returns images of dogs if files could not be found.

Primary LanguagePython


dogstorage is a so called development storage engine.

Many people have the problem with gigantomanic production databases with gigabytes of pictures/files. It is a pain to keep the image files synchronised between development and production environments.

Therefore I have written this storage engine. In case a file is not found, an image from placedog.com will be used/displayed instead.

If you are sick of dogs, you might want to check out django-kittenstorage or django-apestorage.

sorl-thumbnail users

Note that newer versions of sorl-thumbnail have an integrated dummy engine, which can load images from various dummy sources. This is super cool and I highly recommend this over dogstorage. Go and have a look at THUMBNAIL_DUMMY.

The setting for placeholder dogs source would be:

THUMBNAIL_DUMMY_SOURCE = http://placedog.com/%(width)s/%(height)s

or if you prefer grayscale:

THUMBNAIL_DUMMY_SOURCE = http://placedog.com/g/%(width)s/%(height)s


It's on pypi.

pip install django-dogstorage

Feel free to clone from github too. Forking is welcome as well :-)

In your django settings file:

DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'dogstorage.storages.GreyDog'

Storage Engines

dogstorage offers two engines:

  1. dogstorage.storages.GreyDog
  2. dogstorage.storages.ColorDog

Choose depending on the saturation you want. I prefer GreyDog since it does have a pretty classy look.


There is only one setting:


Default: (1024, 1024)

A tuple of format (width, height), specifiying the size of the image requested from placedog.