Qryn Transport for Grafana Faro SDK

Send logs, errors, events, metrics and traces captured by the faro-web-sdk instrumention directly to qryn without requiring a collector.

Getting started

If you still don't have one create your free account on Gigapipe and get access to qryn Cloud.

Create your first project, enable qryn and make sure to create an API Token with write permissions.


Note: The library hasn't been published to NPM yet. We are finishing the latest touches to offer the best DX.

pnpm add @gigapipe/faro-transport-qryn

You will need also to install @grafana/faro-web-sdk or any other package that gives you access to the Faro SDK.

pnpm add @grafana/faro-web-sdk


In your application main entrypoint create an instance of our custom transport.

const qrynTransport = new QrynTransport({


Option Description Required Default
host The qryn Cloud host URL true
apiToken The qryn Cloud token with write permissions. true
requestOptions Aditional options to pass to the fetch API
getLabelsFromMeta Function used to create the labels from the meta data. see defaultLabels
bufferSize Number of requests to buffer in total 30
concurrency Number of requests to execute concurrently 5
defaultRateLimitBackoffMs If a rate limit response does not include a Retry-After header. How many milliseconds to back off before attempting a request. 5000

If you want to support OpenTelemetry traces create an instance of TracingInstrumentation from @grafana/faro-web-tracing docs.

const tracingInstrumentation = new TracingInstrumentation()

Finally initialize Faro with your configuration.

Note: qryn Cloud supports batch ingestion by default, but if you want also to minimize the number of requests done from your client you can use the experimental @grafana/faro-transport-batch.

  app: {
    name: 'frontend',
  transports: [
    new BatchTransport(qrynTransport, {
      batchSendCount: 10, // default is 50 signals.
      batchSendTimeout: 1000, // default is 250ms
  instrumentations: [
    // Default instrumentations from @grafana/faro-web-sdk