Data Lake with AWS (EMR Cluster)

This repository serves as a submission for Udacity data engineering nanodegree.

Project Introduction

A music streaming startup, Sparkify, has grown their user base and song database even more and want to move their data warehouse to a data lake. Their data resides in S3, in a directory of JSON logs on user activity on the app, as well as a directory with JSON metadata on the songs in their app.

What does the project do?

This project reads data from a specified location on S3 or locally. Transforms it into a desired Dim-Fact schema and writes the results back to either S3 or local disk.

How to Run?

This section describes how to get use this repositrory.

to run this project all it takes is the below command


However there are some configurations which depends on where you want to read data from:

Read from S3 / Write to S3

For AWS S3 connection you will need a dl.cfg file next to with the below contents:


Fill it with your credentials.

You will also need a bucket for the output. The name of the bucket can be adjusted on line 119:

output_data = "s3a://output-udacity/" #s3

Read from Localhost / Write to Localhost

To read the data locally you will first need the data. Located next to


You will comment out lines 118 and 119 and use lines 120 and 121.

# input_data ="s3a://udacity-dend/" #s3
# output_data = "s3a://output-udacity/" #s3
input_data = "data" # localhost
output_data = "output" # locahost

You will also need to adjust the reading pattern on line 53:

'log-data/*/*'  ->  'log-data/*.json'

The left version works on S3 and the right version works on local files.