
Dice Game 🎲

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dice Game 🎲

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • Roll the dice 🎲
  • Hold their current dice score 🔒 🎲
  • Start a new game 🆕 🔁



My process

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

What I learned

While building this game, i made use of a flow chart to understand the game play and also build the game, and i think that helped me fastened and understand the process better. I got to understand that the src of an HTML image can be manipulated using JS.

diceEl.src = `images/dice-${rand}.png`;

While computing the total score of each player when they roll and hold their dice, i found it a bit difficult adding the current score of a particular player to his last total score, but alas i figured out that i needed an array to do the trick and wheeew it worked making my life a bit easier 😎

  activePlayer = 0;
  scores = [0, 0];
  scores[activePlayer] = scores[activePlayer] + currentScore;

Lastly, i learnt how a class can be selected dynamically and it was key in this project, without it i wouldn't be able to keep track of the current player playing and be able to switch to that player 😴

document.getElementById(`current--${activePlayer}`).textContent = currentScore;
activePlayer = activePlayer === 1 ? 0 : 1;



This Project was based on a course work and i was ahead of the instructor while building, i only went back to the project video to verify some things or when i ran into a bug 🐛 i found difficult to solve 🥶