
A puppet module for validating network connections.

This module doesn't actually do anything, except possibly cause your runs to fail. :)

The goal of this module is to provide you with a resource type that you can use to validate network connections. The value of this is mostly for ordering your catalog or establishing dependencies such that certain actions will only be taken after you've successfully tested the network connection.

So, for example, if your manifest contains some configuration for a web app that is running on a node, and that configuration includes setting up a connection to a Postgres database on another server, then you might not want to apply that configuration until you know for sure that the postgres server is up and running and accepting connections. In such a case, you could add a connection_validator resource to your manifest to check the postgres connection, and then use a before or require to make sure that your other resources don't get applied if the postgres connection can't be established.

The type includes parameters for setting a retry_interval and a timeout, so that you have control over how many times the connection is attempted before giving up.

For examples, please see the files in test.