
Tool for bulk download of efolder claim files

Primary LanguageRuby

Caseflow - eFolder Express

Build Status


FOIA Requests that give veterans access to their own VA files take way too long right now. eFolder Express allows VA employees to download all of a veteran's files in a fraction of the time it currently takes. It will also enable attorneys in the appeals process to use best-in-class legal tools to review these documents and so they can provide excellent service to America's veterans.

Start up your docker based environment

We use docker and docker-compose to mock a production environment locally. Prior knowledge of docker is not required, but slowly learning how docker works is encouraged. Please ask a team member for an overview, and/or slowly review the docs linked.

Your development setup of caseflow currently runs Redis, postgres and OracleDB (VACOLS) in Docker.

Setup your postgres user. Run this in your CLI, or better yet, add this to your shell configuration ~/.bashrc

export POSTGRES_HOST=localhost
export POSTGRES_USER=postgres
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres

Note: If you previously have had redis and postgres installed via brew and would like to switch to docker, do the following:

brew services stop postgresql
brew services stop redis

Copy Makefile.example into your own Makefile so you have easy access to common commands

cp Makefile.example Makefile

Start all containers

make up

docker-compose ps
# this shows you the status of all of your dependencies

Turning off dependencies

# this stops all containers
make down

# this will reset your setup back to scratch. You will need to setup your database schema again if you do this (see below)
docker-compose down -v

First Time Development Setup

You'll need the proper version of Ruby

rbenv install `cat .ruby-version`

Install dependencies

make install

The local DB requires a different port. This change will also allow you to run local tests. Add this to a .env file in your application root directory:


Create the database

bundle exec rake db:create

Load the schema

bundle exec rake db:schema:load

Run all the app components:

make run

Or run each component separately.

  • the rails server
bundle exec rails s -p 3001
  • In a separate terminal, watch for webpack changes
cd client && yarn run build --watch
  • And in another separate terminal, start a jobs worker
bundle exec shoryuken start -q efolder_development_high_priority efolder_development_low_priority efolder_development_med_priority -R

If you want to convert TIFF files to PDFs then you also need to run the image converter service. You can do this by cloning the appeals-deployment repo, navigating to ansible/utility-roles/imagemagick/files and running docker-compose up. By default if this is not running, TIFFs will gracefully not convert.

If you want to test out the DEMO flow (without VBMS connection),

Visit http://localhost:3001, Test using one of the fake files in this list, all beginnning with "DEMO" (i.e. "DEMO1") Watch it download your fake file.

Running Migrations

If a pending migration exists, you will need to run them against both the development and test database.

make migrate
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:migrate

Running Tests

In order to run tests, you will first need to globally install phantomJS

(sudo) npm install -g phantomjs

Then to run the test suite:

make test

Test coverage

We use the simplecov gem to evaluate test coverage as part of the CircleCI process.

If you see a test coverage failure at CircleCI, you can evaluate test coverage locally for the affected files using the single_cov gem.

Add the line to any rspec file locally:


and run that file under rspec.

SINGLE_COV=true bundle exec rspec spec/path/to/file_spec.rb

Missing test coverage will be reported automatically at the end of the test run.


We use NewRelic to monitor the app. By default, it's disabled locally. To enable it, do:

NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY='<key as displayed on NewRelic.com>' NEW_RELIC_AGENT_ENABLED=true bundle exec rails s

You may wish to do this if you are debugging our NewRelic integration, for instance.

Run connected to UAT

First, you'll need a VA machine. Next, you'll need the secrets file. These come from the appeals deployment repo. Run decrypt.sh and source the appropriate secrets environment.

Then you must setup the staging DB. Run:

RAILS_ENV=staging rake db:create
RAILS_ENV=staging rake db:schema:load

Finally, you can run the server and shoryuken. In one tab you can run:

rails s -e staging

In a separate tab run:

RAILS_ENV=staging bundle exec shoryuken start -q efolder_staging_high_priority efolder_staging_low_priority efolder_staging_med_priority -R

Now when you go to localhost:3001 you'll be prompted with a fake login screen. Use any of these logins to impersonate a UAT user.