♪ README README README a man of the midnight! ♪
Amit Segal & Oriyan Hermoni
**anonyME** is a system which allows users to inoculate their personal images against unauthorized machine learning models, with minimal distortion of the input image, without wearing specialized clothing articles, and with no requirement of any previous knowledge in machine learning or face recognition.
A full report with our results can be found [here](https://gitlab.com/mashehu-anonyme/anonyme-app/-/blob/master/anonyME___Anonymization_of_Facial_Footprints_Report_final.pdf) .
Project requires Python 3.7, and is implemented using Tensorflow 1.14.0 and Keras 2.3.x.
In order to install project dependencies, using a new virtual environment, run:
pip -r install requirements.txt
pip -r install no_deps_requirements.txt --no-deps
All weights and graphs can be found in our Google Drive folder found here. This is a private Google Drive folder, access will be given per request (currently only to users with @mail.huji addresses).
Both our white-box attack pipeline and black-box attack pipelines can be accessed through our web service (currently Proof of Concept). It can be run by running app.py in the repo's root directory, this requires our whitebox and blackbox weights present under the correct name in the correct directories, relative to the repo's root directory (namely, its parent directory).
Our white-box attack pipeline is fully integrated into our web-service, and can only be run from there.
For the code to run correctly, facenet_model.pb must be downloaded from our Drive folder (located in weights directory), and placed in the repo's parent directory.
Running instructions:
A POST request must be sent to /whitebox endpoint. Its body contains an input image file and a target image file, both 160x160x3. It can also contain a json containing eps and num_iter params, where eps is the FGSM attack step size, and num_iter is the maximum number of iteration for which FGSM attack will run.
In order to view the FGSM attack code, you can view attacks.whitebox.fgsm.adversary.py .
Nearly identical to the white-box attack pipeline, except a POST request must be sent to /blackbox with a list if input image files in its body, each image 224x224x3. To review the attack code, you can view attacks.blackbox.adversaries.py . Weights file substitute_resnet50.h5 must be present in the weights directory, available in our google drive directory.
To train our substitute model, you must:
- Create 'dataset/augmented_images' and 'weights' directories in the repo's parent directory.
- Pre-process your training set by running
python <repo>/scripts/sort_augmented_images.py <pruning_threshold> <training_directory>
- Then, for every iteration of training, run first (a)
python <repo>/attacks/blackbox/train.py
, then (b)python <repo>/attacks/blackbox/augmentation.py
, and finally (c)python <repo>/scripts/sort_augmented_images.py <pruning_threshold>
- Your trained model will appear in weights path.
- First iteration of training trains a model on the initial dataset of VGGFace2 found in <training_directory>, therefore, in order to train a model on a data set that's been augmented 3 times, step 3a must be performed 4 times and 3b-c only 3 times.
- An example script which trains a substitute model with 3 iterations of augmentation can be found in scripts.train.sh
Requirements: create 'dataset/attack_eval_res' directory in the repo's parent directory.
In order to evaluate the black-box attack using a trained RESNET50 substitute model's, run python <repo>/scripts/eval_blackbox_attack.py resnet50 <substitute_weights_path> <substitute_classes_num> <label> <eval_dataset_directory>
- <substitute_weights_path> is the directory containing your RESNET50 substitute model's weights in .h5 format
- <substitute_classes_num> is the number of classes in your substitute model
- <label> is a label for your run. This will be used in the directory name containing the evaluation results, and the graph file names.
- <eval_dataset_directory> is your validation data set directory, formatted as VGGFace2 data set is formatted.
Optionally, you may add:
in order to change blackbox architecture, possible values are 'RESNET50' or 'SENET50'. This can be used to evaluate the black-box attack using SENET50 as your black-box model, instead of the default RESNET50.--batch-size
accepts a positive integer, default is 4--step-size
accepts a positive float, default is 0.004--max-iter
accepts a positive integer, default is 50
NOTE: an example script for evaluating a blackbox substitute can be found in scripts.attack_eval_resnet50.sh - it uses the substitute model found in Drive folder under weights/resnet50_weights_step5/substitute_resnet50_4.h5, which spans 86 classes.
In order to evaluate the black-box attack as a baseline, run python <repo>/scripts/eval_blackbox_attack_baseline.py resnet50 <label> <eval_dataset_directory>
- <label> is a label for your run. This will be used in the directory name containing the evaluation results, and the graph file names
- <eval_dataset_directory> is your validation data set directory, formatted as VGGFace2 data set is formatted.
Optionally, you may add:
accepts a positive integer, default is 4--step-size
accepts a positive float, default is 0.004--max-iter
accepts a positive integer, default is 50--cross
is a flag which uses SENET50 as the black-box model. This can be used to evaluate black-box attack using fully trained RESNET50 as the substitute and fully trained SENET50 as the black-box model.