Cake (C# Make) is a build automation system using C#.
##Table of contents
The Cake engine is pretty much done, but there are still improvements to be made. I'm still experimenting with the script API to make it as easy and intuitive as possible, so expect changes along the road.
A roadmap can be found here.
##Implemented functionality
This is a list of the currently implemented functionality.
- MSBuild
- MSTest
- xUnit
- NUnit
- NuGet pack
- NuGet push
- NuGet restore
- ILMerge
- WiX (Candle and Light)
- File copying/moving/deleting
- Directory creation/cleaning/deleting
- File/Directory globbing
- Compression (zip)
- AssemblyInfo patching
- Release notes parser
For more information and examples of how to use Cake, see the Wiki.
###1. Download Cake
C:\Project> NuGet.exe install Cake -OutputDirectory Tools -ExcludeVersion
###2. Create build script
var target = Argument("target", "NuGet");
var configuration = Argument("configuration", "Release");
.Does(() =>
// Clean directories.
CleanDirectories("./src/**/bin/" + configuration);
.Does(context =>
// Restore NuGet packages.
.Does(() =>
MSBuild("./src/Cake.sln", s =>
.Does(() =>
XUnit("./src/**/bin/" + configuration + "/*.Tests.dll");
.Does(() =>
var sourcePath = "./src/Cake/bin/" + configuration;
var files = GetFiles(sourcePath + "/**/*.dll") + GetFiles(sourcePath + "/**/*.exe");
var destinationPath = "./build/bin";
CopyFiles(files, destinationPath);
.Does(() =>
var root = "./build/bin";
var output = "./build/" + configuration + ".zip";
Zip(root, output);
.Description("Create NuGet package")
.Does(() =>
// Create NuGet package.
NuGetPack("./Cake.nuspec", new NuGetPackSettings {
Version = "0.1.0",
BasePath = "./build/bin",
OutputDirectory = "./build",
NoPackageAnalysis = true
###3. Run build script
C:\Project\Tools\Cake> Cake.exe ../../build.csx -verbosity=verbose -target=Pack
You can read the latest documentation at http://cake.readthedocs.org/.
So you’re thinking about contributing to Cake? Great! It’s really appreciated.
Make sure you've read the contribution guidelines before sending that epic pull request.
- Fork the repository.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Don't forget the unit tests.
- Send a pull request. Bonus for topic branches. Funny .gif will be your reward.
Copyright (c) 2014, Patrik Svensson and contributors.
Cake is provided as-is under the MIT license. For more information see LICENSE
- For Roslyn, see https://roslyn.codeplex.com/license
- For Autofac, see https://github.com/autofac/Autofac/blob/master/LICENSE
- For NuGet.Core, see https://nuget.codeplex.com/license