
Proof of conception implementation using JqGrid with asp.net mvc 3

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Razor Grid

The goal for Razor Grid to create a low friction integration point between ASP.NET MVC and jqGrid

How does it work

Controller The controller is responsible for the data that are return to jqGrid.

JqGridOptions Specifies the behaviour for pagination e.g. all grids should by default list 10 items


var gridData = new JqGridData<Log>();
gridData.IdFunction = l => l.Id;
gridData.AddColumn("Id", l => l.Id, true);
gridData.AddColumn("Message", l => l.Message, true);
gridData.AddColumn("Logged", l => l.DateTime, false);
  • Whether a column is sortable or not, due to performance issues for a large unindex result set
  • The order of the columns since jqGrid requires that the data is returned in a specific order
  • The value the will be evaluated for each grid view cell


Is created from the request from jqGrid, asking the controller to return the wanted data. This provides the entry point for the integration with your DL.

  • Page
  • Number of items per page
  • Order by column
  • Ascending or Descending order

View Since making changes to the view is very expensive and to keep the view as dry as possible a helper method has been created under normal conditions the only code that needs to be added to the view is:

    caption: "Simple logs",
    options: @Model

To make the configuration of the jqGrid as flexible as possible the view helper JqGrid.cshtml should be implemented for each project.


A simple example application RazorGrid.Example has been created that creates a very simple grid with support for pagination and sorting