
Udacity FEND Project - Neighborhood Map

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Neighborhood Map - Bergen This application display a map centered on the city of Bergen. The map will display the 20 most prominent restaurants in Bergen. Click the "Search & Filter" button to open a list of all current places. Enter a search query to search for other restaurants in this area, or enter a filter to show only markers matching your filter

Click on a marker or a place in the list to display more information about a place.

The information window for a place will display the Name, streetview image, rating, and if available: address, phone, twitter and homepage.

##How to run Copy this repository to your machine, and simply open index.html in a browser to run the app.

##APIs and libraries used This app use the google maps API to display the map, as well as the places library and streetview static image api. Foursquare API is used to get information about a place and display in the information window.

Main libraries used for this project is jquery and knockout.js For the sidebar, I used simple-sidebar.

##Background This project is part of the Udacity Front End Web-Developer Nanodegree program where you build a neighborhood map using google maps API as well as a third party API.