
Primary LanguageElixir


To start your Phoenix server with Docker:

  • Run docker-compose -f development.yml build
  • Create and migrate your database with docker-compose -f development.yml run --rm phoenix mix ecto.setup
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with docker-compose -f development.yml run --rm --service-ports phoenix in order to have access to IEx.pry.

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.



  • Add busybox volume to store deps.


  • Add proper Absinthe testing (still experimenting).


  • Create mutation to assign new AvailableDays to a Calendar.
    • Validate that the only one allowed to edit items is the Calendar owner.
  • Create query to display AvailableDays attached to a Calendar.
  • Create Appointment, which belongs to Calendar (one-to-many), and to User through Calendar.
  • Create the Patient validations, which will apply after an Appointment is setted. If a Patient already exists in the database, that one will be used, otherwise a new one will be created.
    • Patients will only be created after an Appointment, at least for the moment.

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