JSCS now (since v1.8.0) supports changing the esprima (ast parser) to esprima-fb (Facebooks version of esprima that can parse JSX). This makes JSXCS as a standalone tool obsolete. Same functionality (and more) can be achieved with jscs by using the following command.
npm install jscs esprima-fb
jscs --esprima=esprima-fb
jscs --esprima="./node_module/esprima-fb"
or in your .jscsrc
"esprima": "esprima-fb"
Also include the following in your .jscsrc
"fileExtensions": [".js", ".jsx"]
Read this gist for more detailed instructions and information/background.
Wrapper around jscs to allow running jscs for JSX files.
npm install jsxcs -g
See jscs for guides.
As jsxcs works by ignoring errors on lines that are generated by the JSX transformer, some errors with actual user made styling issues might get omitted.