This project is a simple bookstore on Near blockchain. Users can publish their book and buy others books, and review a book by writing comments about it.
git clone
cd near-book-store
First login to your account using near cli
near login
Build and deploy the smart contract.
yarn dev
Export the development account to the $CONTRACT
Create a Book.
near call $CONTRACT createBook '{"name": "Book Name", "desc": "Book Description", "price" : 5}' --accountId muammer-yilmaz.testnet
List All Books
near call $CONTRACT getBooks '{"start": 0, "limit" : 10}' --accountId muammer-yilmaz.testnet
Buy a Book
near call $CONTRACT buyBook '{"id": "Book id"}' --accountId muammer-yilmaz.testnet --deposit 5
Read a Book
near call $CONTRACT getChapters '{"id": "Book id"}' --accountId muammer-yilmaz.testnet
Add a chapter to your book
near call $CONTRACT addChapter '{"id": "Book id", "content": "Chapter Content"}' --accountId muammer-yilmaz.testnet
Add a comment to a book
near call $CONTRACT addComment '{"id": "Book id", "comment": "Your Comment"}' --accountId muammer-yilmaz.testnet
Get all comment of a book
near call $CONTRACT getComments '{"id": "Book id"}' --accountId muammer-yilmaz.testnet