Centralized version control project for Scrumier.
Maven Dependencies
Internal Maven Dependencies
This dependency provides reusability and centralized code management for the common functionalities between Scrumier services. Go to the commonsrepository for more details.
External Maven Dependencies
Automatic Resource Management, automatic generation of getters, setters, and more. Go to the lombokrepository for more details.
The AspectJ weaver introduces advices to java classes. Go to the aspectjweaverrepository for more details.
An annotation processor for generating type-safe bean mappers. Go to the mapstructrepository for more details.
Spring Cloud Starter Netflix Eureka Client for registering services to the Eureka Server. Go to the spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka-clientrepository for more details.
Starter for testing Spring Boot applications with libraries including JUnit, Hamcrest and Mockito. Go to the spring-boot-starter-testrepository for more details.
Starter for exposing Spring Data repositories over REST using Spring Data REST. Go to the spring-boot-starter-data-restrepository for more details.
Starter for using Spring Boot's Actuator which provides production ready features to help you monitor and manage your application. Go to the spring-boot-starter-actuatorrepository for more details.
Spring Cloud Starter Zipkin. Go to the spring-cloud-starter-zipkinrepository for more details.
RabbitMQ is an open-source message-broker software. Go to the spring-rabbitrepository for more details.