
Taxi calling app using microservices 

Primary LanguageMakefile

Hey Taxi [WIP]


Live Preview: (Not available yet) Frontend Storybook: https://orkungursel.github.io/hey-taxi-frontend/


Name Host Ports Language Repository
Frontend frontend :8080 Typescript https://github.com/orkungursel/hey-taxi-frontend
Identity identity-api :8080 :50051 Go https://github.com/orkungursel/hey-taxi-identity-api
Vehicle vehicle-api :8080 :50052 C# .NET https://github.com/orkungursel/hey-taxi-vehicle-api
Location location-api :8080 Go https://github.com/orkungursel/hey-taxi-location-api
Trip - - - not implemented yet
Payment - - - not implemented yet
Rating - - - not implemented yet
Notification - - - not implemented yet


For Local Development


The commands below up/down the backend services, infrastructure services, and an Nginx reverse proxy using the :3001 port for local development.

Up all services

make up

Down all services

make down

Up infrastructure services only

make infrastructure-up

Down infrastructure services only

make infrastructure-down

Up API services only

make api-up

Down API services only

make api-down

Pull latest images of API services

make pull