
IntelliJ File Templates

Primary LanguageJavaScript

IntelliJ (WebStorm, PHPStorm, ...) File Templates



General javascript templates

  • AMD (JS) - A simple AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) module template.
  • AMD Bootstrap (JS) - Application bootstrap template.
  • AMD Index (HTML) - Index template.
  • CommonJS (JS) - A simple CommonJS module template.

AngularJS AMD

Some AngularJS AMD templates.

  • Angular (AMD) Bootstrap (JS) - Application bootstrap template.
  • Angular (AMD) Context (JS) - Application context template.
  • Angular (AMD) Controller (JS) - Simple angular controller template.
  • Angular (AMD) Directive (JS) - Angular directive template.
  • Angular (AMD) Directive controller (JS) - Angular directive controller template.
  • Angular (AMD) Model (JS) - Simple model template.
  • Angular (AMD) Filter (JS) - Simple model template.
  • Angular (AMD) Service (JS) - Angular service template
  • Angular (AMD) Index (HTML) - Angular index template.


To install the Templates, follow the instruction described on the IntelliJ Web Help.
