
SRCScan(submon) is a SRC assistant tool that periodically scans subdomains and requests WEB services on port 80/443 to check if it is available, and send result to you by e-mail.

Primary LanguagePython

SRC Scan

 ___________  _____   _____                 
/  ___| ___ \/  __ \ /  ___|                
\ `--.| |_/ /| /  \/ \ `--.  ___ __ _ _ __  
 `--. \    / | |      `--. \/ __/ _` | '_ \ 
/\__/ / |\ \ | \__/\ /\__/ / (_| (_| | | | |   version: 1.0
\____/\_| \_| \____/ \____/ \___\__,_|_| |_|   author: @orleven                                                                      

srcscan is a SRC assistant tool that periodically scans subdomains and requests WEB services on port 80/443 to check if it is available, and send result to you by e-mail. Also srcscan can scan subdomain and scan url and scan vul for xray...

Python 3.7


pip3 install -r requirements.txt


  1. First, set basic, smtp config in srcscan.conf, and the srcscan.conf file is created the first time you run it.
thread_num = 10
looptimer = 1209600 # two week
timeout = 5
max_retries = 3

proxy = False
http_proxy = # The proxy config for sub domian scan 
https_proxy = # The proxy config for sub domian scan 

crawlergo_path = C:\Soft\MyTools\srcscan\tools\crawlergo_windows_amd64\crawlergo
chrome_path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
http_proxy =   # The proxy config for xray scan 
https_proxy = # The proxy config for xray scan 
username = username # The proxy auth config for xray scan
password = password # The proxy auth config for xray scan

mail_host = smtp.163.com
mail_port = 465
mail_user = username
mail_pass = password
sender = username@163.com
receivers = username@qq.com,username@qq.com

proxy = False  # The setting of proxy
http_proxy =
https_proxy =

  1. Scan

2.1 Scan subdomain

py -3 srcscan.py -d example.com
py -3 srcscan.py -df file.text      # file path
py -3 srcscan.py -df domain         # dir path, and you can add domain.txt in ./domain/
py -3 srcscan.py -d example.com -ss # by nomal model

2.2 Scan subdomain, url and vul

2.2.1. Start running xray

nohup ./xray_linux_amd64 webscan  --listen  --html-output proxy.html & 

2.2.2. Start running srcscan.py

py -3 srcscan.py -df domain -ss -vs # dir path, and you can add domain.txt in ./domain/


  1. And then, wait for e-mail of result.


  1. Also, you can see all result in srcscan.db.



  1. recon