
Wasmer Binary Installer https://wasmer.io/

Primary LanguageShell


One-line commands to install Wasmer on your system.

Build Status

Install Latest Version

With Shell:

curl https://get.wasmer.io -sSfL | sh

With PowerShell:

iwr https://win.wasmer.io -useb | iex

Install Specific Version

With Shell:

curl https://get.wasmer.io -sSfL | sh -s v0.17.0

With PowerShell:

$v="1.0.0"; iwr https://win.wasmer.io -useb | iex

Install via Package Manager

With Homebrew:

brew install wasmer

With Scoop:

Wasmer is not yet available in Scoop, would you like to give us a hand? 🤗 PR in progress

scoop install wasmer

With Chocolatey:

Wasmer is not yet available in Chocolatey, would you like to give us a hand? 🤗

choco install wasmer

With Cargo:

Wasmer will be soon available in Cargo, stay tuned!

cargo install wasmer-cli # add --features=llvm for LLVM compilation support

Environment Variables

  • WASMER_DIR - The directory in which to install Wasmer. This defaults to $HOME/.wasmer. The executable is placed in $WASMER_DIR/bin. One application of this is a system-wide installation:

    With Shell (/usr/local):

    curl https://get.wasmer.io -sSfL | sudo WASMER_DIR=/usr/local sh

    With PowerShell (C:\Program Files\wasmer):

    # Run as administrator:
    $env:WASMER_DIR = "C:\Program Files\wasmer"
    iwr https://win.wasmer.io -useb | iex
