Provides "on the fly" assets compression.
Add AssetOptimizerBundle to your src/Bundle dir
git submodule add git:// src/Bundle/Adenclassifieds/AssetOptimizerBundle
Add AssetOptimizerBundle to your application Kernel
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
return array(
new Bundle\Adenclassifieds\AssetOptimizerBundle\AssetOptimizerBundle(),
Setup file compression in your config.yml
javascripts: ~
stylesheets: ~
# optionals (with default values)
# assets_path: %kernel.root_dir%/../web
# cache_path: %kernel.root_dir%/../web/cache
Add a cache directory inside the assets folder
Do not forget to give write permissions
mkdir -p path/to/cache && chmod 775 path/to/cache
If this is not done a error with cannot write to /compressed-823782837283723823gdasdhjad.css
which is because realpath is trying
to resolve a non existing path and therefor resolves it to root
There is no changes inside templates
the following code
<?php $view['stylesheets']->add('foo/bar.css'); ?>
<?php $view['stylesheets']->add('bar/foo.css'); ?>
<?php $view['stylesheets']->add(''); ?>
<?php echo $view['stylesheets'] ?>
should generate a file and produces (note that externals assets are ignored):
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Command lines
Clear the generated cache files
console assets:optimizer:clear-cache
How to extend the asset optimizer
If you wish to add some unsupported behavior to the asset optimizer, feel free to use the following events
This event is triggered just before the resources are optimized. Here is an exemple of code that checks for attributes "sprite-suffix" and replace the resource url with the sprited css
* @param Event
* @param array resources
public function filterResources($event, $resources)
foreach ($resources as $url => $attributes) {
if (isset($resource['sprite-suffix'])) {
$spriteUrl = str_replace('.css', 'sprite.css', $url);
$resources[$spriteUrl] = $attributes;
return $resources;
Change optimizer classes
You can use your own javascript and stylesheet optimizer by changing the class parameters:
assetoptimizer.config: class: optimizer: javascript: My\Javascript\Optimizer stylesheet: My\Stylesheet\Optimizer
In order to ease the setup, this bundle contains two vendor libraries : Minify & JavascriptPacker
It clearly goes against one of the best practices, but there is no easy way to setup required dependency yet.