
Play2.0 Authentication and Authorization module

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Play2.0 module for Authentication and Authorization

This module offers Authentication and Authorization features to Play2.0 applications


This module is targets the Scala version of Play2.0.

For the Java version of Play2.0, there is an authorization module called Deadbolt 2.

This module has been tested on Play2.0final and Play2.0.1.



Security trait in Play2.0 API does not define an identifier that identifies a user.

If you use an E-mail or a user ID as an identier, users can not invalidate the session when the cookie leaks.

This module creates a unique SessionID using a secure random number generator. Even if the cookie leaks, users can invalidate the session by logging in again and your application can set a time limit for sessions.


Since Security trait in Play2.0 API returns Action, complicated action methods are nested too deep.

This module provides an interface that return Either[PlainResult, User]. so, writing complicated action methods is easy.


  1. add a repository resolver into your Build.scala or build.sbt file.

     resolvers += "t2v.jp repo" at "http://www.t2v.jp/maven-repo/"
  2. add a dependency declaration into your Build.scala or build.sbt file.

    1. stable release

       "jp.t2v" %% "play20.auth" % "0.2"
    2. current version

       "jp.t2v" %% "play20.auth" % "0.3-SNAPSHOT"

For example: Build.scala

  val appDependencies = Seq(
    "jp.t2v" %% "play20.auth" % "0.1"

  val main = PlayProject(appName, appVersion, appDependencies, mainLang = SCALA).settings(
    resolvers += "t2v.jp repo" at "http://www.t2v.jp/maven-repo/"


  1. First step, create a trait that is mixed-in jp.t2v.lab.play20.auth.AuthConfig in app/controllers.

    // Example
    trait AuthConfigImpl extends AuthConfig {
       * A type that is used to identify a user.
       * `String`, `Int`, `Long` and so on. 
      type Id = String
       * A type that represents a user in your application.
       * `User`, `Account` and so on.
      type User = Account
       * A type that is defined by every action for authorization.
       * This sample uses the following trait.
       * sealed trait Permission
       * case object Administrator extends Permission
       * case object NormalUser extends Permission
      type Authority = Permission
       * A `ClassManifest` is used to get an id from the Cache API.
       * Basically use the same setting as the following.
      val idManifest: ClassManifest[Id] = classManifest[Id]
       * A duration of the session timeout in seconds
      val sessionTimeoutInSeconds: Int = 3600
       * A function that returns a `User` object from an `Id`.
       * Describe the procedure according to your application.
      def resolveUser(id: Id): Option[User] = Account.findById(id)
       * A redirect target after a successful user login.
      def loginSucceeded[A](request: Request[A]): PlainResult = Redirect(routes.Message.main)
       * A redirect target after a successful user logout.
      def logoutSucceeded[A](request: Request[A]): PlainResult = Redirect(routes.Application.login)
       * A redirect target after a failed authentication.
      def authenticationFailed[A](request: Request[A]): PlainResult = Redirect(routes.Application.login)
       * A redirect target after a failed authorization.
      def authorizationFailed[A](request: Request[A]): PlainResult = Forbidden("no permission")
       * A function that authorizes a user by `Authority`.
       * Describe the procedure according to your application.
      def authorize(user: User, authority: Authority): Boolean = 
        (user.permission, authority) match {
          case (Administrator, _) => true
          case (NormalUser, NormalUser) => true
          case _ => false
  2. Next step, create a Controller that defines login and logout actions. This Controller is mixed with jp.t2v.lab.play20.auth.LoginLogout trait and the trait that was created in first step.

    object Application extends Controller with LoginLogout with AuthConfigImpl {
      /** Describe the login form according to your application. */
      val loginForm = Form {
        mapping("email" -> email, "password" -> text)(Account.authenticate)(_.map(u => (u.email, "")))
          .verifying("Invalid email or password", result => result.isDefined)
      /** Describe the login page action according to your application. */
      def login = Action { implicit request =>
       * Return the `gotoLogoutSucceeded` method's result in the logout action.
       * Since the `gotoLogoutSucceeded` returns `PlainResult`, 
       * you can add a procedure like the following.
       *   gotoLogoutSucceeded.flashing(
       *     "success" -> "You've been logged out"
       *   )
      def logout = Action { implicit request =>
        // do something...
       * Return the `gotoLoginSucceeded` method's result in the login action.
       * Since the `gotoLoginSucceeded` returns `PlainResult`, 
       * you can add a procedure like the `gotoLogoutSucceeded`.
      def authenticate = Action { implicit request =>
          formWithErrors => BadRequest(html.login(formWithErrors)),
          user => gotoLoginSucceeded(user.get.id)
  3. Last step, mix jp.t2v.lab.play20.auth.Auth trait and the trait that was created in first step into your Controllers.

    object Message extends Controller with Auth with AuthConfigImpl {
      // The `authorizedAction` method
      //    takes an `Authority` as a first argument and
      //    takes a function whose type is `User => Request[AnyContent] => Result` as a second argument and
      //    returns an `Action`
      def main = authorizedAction(NormalUser) { user => implicit request =>
        val title = "message main"
      def list = authorizedAction(NormalUser) { user => implicit request =>
        val title = "all messages"
      def detail(id: Int) = authorizedAction(NormalUser) { user => implicit request =>
        val title = "messages detail "
        Ok(html.message.detail(title + id))
      // Only Administrator can execute this action.
      def write = authorizedAction(Administrator) { user => implicit request =>
        val title = "write message"

Advanced usage

Changing the authorization according to request parameters.

For example, a SNS application has a function that edit messages.

Your application should make it possible for a user to edit their own messages and impossible to edit other people's messages.

In this case, it is easy if Authority is a Function as follows.

trait AuthConfigImpl extends AuthConfig {

  // Other setup is omitted. 

  type Authority = User => Boolean

  def authorize(user: User, authority: Authority): Boolean = authority(user)

object Application extends Controller with Auth with AuthConfigImpl {

  private def sameAuthor(messageId: Int)(account: Account): Boolean =
    Message.getAuther(messageId) == account

  def edit(messageId: Int) = authorizedAction(sameAuthor(messageId)) { user => request =>
    val target = Message.findById(messageId)


Returning to the originally requested page after login

For example, when an unauthenticated user requests access to non-login page, your application redirects the user to the login page. Then, when the user successfully logs in, your application redirects the user to the originally requested page.

In this case, you only have to change authenticationFailed and loginSucceeded as follows.

trait AuthConfigImpl extends AuthConfig {

  // Other settings are omitted.

  def authenticationFailed[A](request: Request[A]): PlainResult = 
    Redirect(routes.Application.login).withSession("access_uri" -> request.uri)

  def loginSucceeded[A](request: Request[A]): PlainResult = {
    val uri = request.session.get("access_uri").getOrElse(routes.Message.main.url)
    request.session - "access_uri"


Action composition

For example, you want to validate token at every action to defeat a CSRF attack.

Since it is impractical to perform the validation in all actions, Usually a method is defined as follows.

object Application extends Controller {

  // Other settings are omitted.

  val tokenForm = Form("token" -> text)

  private def validateToken(request: Request[AnyContent]): Boolean = (for {
    tokenInForm <- tokenForm.bindFromRequest(request).value
    tokenInSession <- request.session.get("token")
  } yield tokenInForm == tokenInSession).getOrElse(false)

  private def validAction(f: Request[AnyContent] => Result) = Action { request =>
    if (validateToken(request)) f(request)
    else BadRequest

  def page1 = validAction { request =>
    // do something

  def page2 = validAction { request =>
    // do something


How do you incorporate a function that authenticates and authorizes a user in validateToken ?

You need to use the authorized method insted of authorizedAction method.

object Application extends Controller with Auth with AuthConfigImpl {

  // The token publication is omitted.

  val tokenForm = Form("token" -> text)

  private def validateToken(implicit request: Request[AnyContent]): Boolean = (for {
    tokenInForm <- tokenForm.bindFromRequest(request).value
    tokenInSession <- request.session.get("token")
  } yield tokenInForm == tokenInSession).getOrElse(false)

  private authAndValidAction(authority: Authority)(f: User => Request[AnyContent] => Result) =
    Action { implicit request =>
      (for {
        user <- authorized(authority).right
        _    <- Either.cond(validateToken, (), BadRequest).right
      } yield f(user)(request)).merge

  def page1 = authAndValidAction(NormalUser) { user => request =>
    // do something

  def page2 = authAndValidAction(NormalUser) { user => request =>
    // do something


This example is complex.

Then, how do you incorporate function that changes templates dynamically by pjax ?

This is easy:

  private type Template = String => Html
  private def pjax(implicit request: Request[AnyContent]): Template = {
    if (request.headers.keys("X-PJAX")) {
    } else {
      val displayValues = DomainLogic.getDisplayValues()

  private complexAction(authority: Authority)(f: User => Template => Request[AnyContent] => Result) =
    Action { implicit request =>
      (for {
        user     <- authorized(authority).right
        _        <- Either.cond(validateToken, (), BadRequest).right
        template <- Right(pjax).right
      } yield f(user)(template)(request)).merge

  def page1 = complexAction(NormalUser) { user => template => request =>
    // do something

  def page2 = complexAction(NormalUser) { user => template => request =>
    // do something

Thus, you can combine functions for action methods.

Sample Application

  1. git clone https://github.com/t2v/play20-auth.git
  2. cd play20-auth
  3. play
  4. run
  5. access to http://localhost:9000/ on your browser.
    1. click Apply this script now!

    2. login

      defined accounts

       Email             | Password | Permission
       alice@example.com | secret   | Administrator
       bob@example.com   | secret   | NormalUser
       chris@example.com | secret   | NormalUser


This module uses the Cache API of Play2.0.

Ehcache, the default implementation, can not treat authentication information appropriately when the application servers are distributed.

If you have distributed servers, you should rather use the Memcached Plugin or something similar.


This library is released under the Apache Software License, version 2, which should be included with the source in a file named LICENSE.