Visualize your project's dependencies.
For sbt 0.11/0.12, add sbt-dependency-graph as a dependency in project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("net.virtual-void" % "sbt-dependency-graph" % "0.7.1")
Then, add the following to your <project-root>/build.sbt
(that's not project/build.sbt
!) as a standalone line:
OR, alternatively, if you use the full configuration, i.e. you define your build definition in project/build.scala
, for example,
to define a multi-module project, you should add
.settings(net.virtualvoid.sbt.graph.Plugin.graphSettings: _*)
to each of the project definitions for which you want to use the plugin. The definition of your project should then look approximately this way:
object MyBuild extends Build {
val proj =
Project("my-project", file("base"))
.settings(net.virtualvoid.sbt.graph.Plugin.graphSettings: _*)
Check out the example project for a skeleton build setup.
: Shows an ASCII graph of the project's dependencies on the sbt consoledependency-graph-ml
: Generates a .graphml file with the project's dependencies totarget/dependencies-<config>.graphml
. Use e.g. yEd to format the graph to your needs.dependency-dot
: Generates a .dot file with the project's dependencies totarget/dependencies-<config>.dot
. Use graphviz to render it to your preferred graphic format.dependency-tree
: Shows an ASCII tree representation of the project's dependencieswhat-depends-on <organization> <module> <revision>
: Find out what depends on an artifact. Shows a reverse dependency tree for the selected module.dependency-license-info
: show dependencies grouped by declared licensefilter-scala-library
: Defines if the scala library should be excluded from the output of the dependency-* functions. Iftrue
, instead of showing the dependency"[S]"
is appended to the artifact name. Set tofalse
if you want the scala-library dependency to appear in the output. (default: true)dependency-graph-ml-file
: a setting which allows configuring the output path ofdependency-graph-ml
: a setting which allows configuring the output path ofdependency-dot
: a setting to customize the header of the dot file (e.g. to set your preferred node shapes).dependency-dot-nodes-label
: defines the formation of a node label (default set to[organisation]<BR/><B>[name]</B><BR/>[version]
: let's ivy generate the resolution report for you project. Useshow ivy-report
for the filename of the generated report
All tasks can be scoped to a configuration to get the report for a specific configuration. test:dependency-graph
for example, prints the dependencies in the test
configuration. If you don't specify any configuration, compile
assumed as usual.
You can use the project without sbt as well by either depending on the library and calling
IvyGraphMLDependencies.saveAsGraphML(IvyGraphMLDependencies.graph(reportFile), outputFile)
or by just getting the binary
and calling it like scala sbt-dependency-graph-0.7.0.jar <ivy-report-xml-path> <target-path>
sbt/Ivy's update
task create ivy-report xml-files inside .ivy2/cache
(in sbt 0.12.1:
). You can
just open them with your browser to look at the dependency report for your project.
This project takes the report xml of your project and creates a graphml file out of it. (BTW,
ivy can create graphml files itself, but since I didn't want to spend to much time getting
sbt to call into Ivy to create graphs, I went with the easy way here)
- #19: There's an unfixed bug with graph generation for particular layouts. Workaround:
instead ofdependency-graph
. - #12: Excluded dependencies will be shown in the graph in sbt < 0.12, works with later versions
- Matt Russell (@mdr) for contributing the ASCII graph layout.
- berleon (@berleon) for contributing rendering to dot.
Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Johannes Rudolph
Published under the Apache License 2.0.