
An xsbt plugin to reflect build properties into source code.

Primary LanguageScala

An xsbt plugin to reflect build properties into source code.

To build this code, get and install SBT from 

Build and publish the plugin:
    git clone git@github.com:ritschwumm/xstb-reflect.git
    cd xstb-reflect
    sbt publish-local
Add the plugin to your project in project/plugins/build.sbt:
	addSbtPlugin("de.djini" % "xsbt-reflect" % "0.0.3")
Include the plugin in you project's build.sbt:

	reflectPackage	:= "my.pack"
	reflectClass	:= "Reflected"
	sourceGenerators in Compile <+= reflect map identity

With this setup, you can access the name and version of your project
from scala as my.pack.Reflected.name and my.pack.Reflected.version .