
Compare two dataframes

Primary LanguagePython

Compare dataframes

This utility was originally written for the DECOVID project, funded by EPSRC. I've copied it out to my GH account so it resides in a publicly accessible repo.

Compare two dataframes x1, x2 which may have different rows and columns, and be ordered differently. This function will perform a comparison by matching rows based on the index_cols, and using approximate equality for numerical data to avoid false negatives due to numerical issues. The function returns a CompareDataFrameReport object from which:

  • the number of matching rows and columns
  • the number of matching elements within each column
  • the types of each column

can be accessed. By default, the function provides a text version of the report (see below). One can also request that the matching and/or non-matching sections of the dataframes be returned for further inspection.

An example of the report text is provided below, comparing the CSV and RDS versions of the 2005 BrainIT "Neurological Status" table.

                          COMPARE DATAFRAMES                          


DataFrame1: shape (12129, 10)
DataFrame2: shape (12129, 10)

DataFrame 1:
  Num. additional rows: 4070
  - of which:
      - nunique Patient_Id: 153
      - nunique Time_Stamp: 3770
  Additional columns:  None

DataFrame 2:
  Num. additional rows: 4070
  - of which:
      - nunique Patient_Id: 153
      - nunique Time_Stamp: 3770
  Additional columns:  None

MATCHED contents:

(atol=1.0e-06, rtol=1.0e-04)

Complete matching rows: 0/8059 (0.0%). Num. matching elements per column: 

          Name                Matches              Type differences
------------------------ ----------------------- ------------------------
  - GCS_Eye                8059/8059 (100.00%)    object <-> category
  - GCS_Motor              8059/8059 (100.00%)    object <-> category
  - GCS_Verbal             8059/8059 (100.00%)    object <-> category
  - Left_Pupil_Reaction    8057/8059 ( 99.98%)    object <-> category
  - Left_Pupil_Size        8059/8059 (100.00%)    object <-> category
  - Right_Pupil_Reaction   8057/8059 ( 99.98%)    object <-> category
  - Right_Pupil_Size       8059/8059 (100.00%)    object <-> category
  - BIT_comment               0/8059 (  0.00%)    float64 <-> object


A guided tour of the example report

The summary splits into two parts. The first part displays the differences between the row/column structure, and the number of non-matching rows of each table. The number of unique values in the specified join columns (used to index each row) are also given. In this case we can see that the non-matched rows contain details of 153 patients, or 3770 datetime values. Since the DataFrames are of the same dimension (or shape), the number of non-matching or "additional" rows in each DataFrame is the same. Both DataFrames contain the same columns, hence the "Additional columns" of each DataFrame are None.

The second part of the summary is concerned only with the subsection of the two DataFrames which match. Observe that the first half gives us that each DataFrame has 12129 rows, but the second half compares only 8059 of these. The number of matching elements in each column are shown in the table, where numerical columns use approximate equality according to the absolute and relative tolerances displayed (atol/rtol). The columns used to join the DataFrame (in this case "Patient_Id" and "Time_Stamp") are omitted from this table since these will match 100% of the time by construction. Where columns are of different datatype, the Type differences column will show the difference with the first and second dataframe's column types shown respectively.


Since we cannot assume that DataFrames will order the rows in the same way, the rows are matched based on what is assumed to be a unique index, defined by the supplied index_cols. (Under the hood, these columns are used in order to perform an outer join between the two dataframes.) Where the index columns do not define a unique index to each row, the report output is undefined, and should not be trusted. Therefore a check is made for duplication, and if it is found, a warning will display at the close of the function regardless of the verbose level. If using the function in interactive mode, one should either drop duplicate rows or provide/construct alternative index column(s) to join upon. When using from the command line, the --drop-duplicates flag is available to drop all duplicate rows, keeping only the first of each instance.

From python:

compare_dataframes(x1, x2, index_cols,
                       atol=1e-6, rtol=1e-4,

The python interface has three positional arguments, respectively, the two dataframes to compare, and a list of one or more columns which form a unique index for each row. By default, the function will

  • print the text report to stdout, and
  • return (i) whether the DataFrames are identical [Bool] and (ii) the report object [CompareDataFrameReport].

The check for (approximate) equality in (i) will check the structure of the DataFrames (up to reordering), the values, and the types. If any of these three comparisons return False, the equality check will also return False. Less stringent criteria are available from the report object in (ii), which can be accessed via:

report.dataframes_are_equal(check_types=True, only_check_matched=False)

Finally, the non-matching rows in each DataFrame may be returned in the function output via the argument return_nonmatching_data=True; these will be the (iii) and (iv) output values. Note that these portions will still only include the matching columns, since the non-equality between disjoint columns is clear. (The matching portion of the DataFrames is also available using return_matching_data=True, which will return as another two outputs after the non-matching data.)

From the command line:

The function can also be called from the command line. This currently supports reading from CSV and Parquet files only. The syntax is as follows:

python compare_dataframes.py path/to/dataframe1.csv path/to/dataframe2.parquet --index Patient_Id --index Time_Stamp

The function takes two positional arguments which are the paths of the relevant files (either CSV or Parquet), and (possibly) multiple index columns, specified by the --index keyword. The CLI only currently reads CSV or Parquet files and their file type will be inferred from their extension. To explicitly specify the file type, use --format1 and/or --format2 which specify the format ("csv"/"parquet") for file 1 or 2 respectively. Two options beyond the Python interface exist:

  • --parquet-keep-nones: Since the Parquet format can encode both NaN and None/NULL, this causes issues with column type designations. For example a float64 column supports only NaN, and on encountering a None will fall back to object type, failing the equality comparison even if all numeric values are equal. By default, the CLI will convert Nones to NaNs, but this is not always desirable. To avoid this implicit conversion, add the --parquet-keep-nones flag.
  • --drop-duplicates: The output of this comparison tool is not defined when either DataFrame includes duplicate values (acc. to the index). The --drop-duplicates flag drops all duplicate rows of both DataFrames, keeping only the first of each. This may often not be desirable for comparing DataFrames, but is available at the CLI since few other options are available to a user.