
This is an automated mirror of the gitlab project. Please use gitlab project as reference: https://gitlab.com/orobardet/gitlab-ci-linter

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

.gitlab-ci.yml lint helper tool

Goodbye "yaml invalid" pipeline errors, and don't come back!

This tool use the Gitlab API to validate your local .gitlab-ci.yml.
It can be installed as a git pre-commit hook, preventing commit (and so push) of an invalid .gitlab-ci.yml.

The tool itself does not lint anything: it uses the lint API of a Gitlab instance => it needs to be run somewhere with an access to the Gitlab instance where your project come from.


Download the tool from the releases page.

The tool is made in Go. So it's cross platform and can be run in Linux, Windows, Mac or any other operating system supported by Go.

It is currently tested on Linux x64 (Ubuntu, WSL) and Windows x64 (7 and 10).

To install, just download the binary matching you system and put it somewhere (preferably in your $PATH).
Upgrade is just overriding the binary with a new one.

For now, releases only build binaries for some common platforms, not all supported by Go.
If yours is not available, you can try building it by yourself and check if it works (it should, but never tested).
Feedbacks are welcome :)



You don't even need a Git client.

The only thing required is a network connection to the Gitlab instance you are using in the repository you want to check.
And a git repository to check of course, having an origin remote corresponding to a Gitlab instance and a .gitlab-ci.yml file.

Migrating from old bash script version

If you don't want to/can't update your existing repositories with a a pre-commit hook to the old bash script, the best way is to replace the script with a symlink to the new binary. It's a drop-in replacement.

But it would be better to remove (manually) the previous pre-commit hook link, and then install the new go version:

# check if the current pre-commit hook is a link to the old bash script
ls -lsa .git/hooks/pre-commit
# if so, remove it
rm .git/hooks/pre-commit
# and then install the new version normally
gitlab-ci-linter install


Once installed, it can be used as a simple standalone program, by launching it from any directory inside a git repository clone.

Let's say you have a Gitlab project cloned in ~/dev/my-super-project:

cd ~/dev/my-super-project

If the .gitlab-ci.yml is valid:

.gitlab-ci.yml is valid!

You don't need to be in the root of the git repository:

cd ~/dev/my-super-project/src/public

If the .gitlab-ci.yml is invalid:

Arg! An error!

As git pre-commit hook

The tool can be used as a git pre-commit hook. It means it will be run by git automatically each time you ask for a commit, and git will stop if your .gitlab-ci.yml is invalid:

Thanks alerting me!

The tool can install (and uninstall) itself as a pre-commit hook, using the commands install and uninstall.

# Inside a git repository tree, install the pre-commit hook:
gitlab-ci-linter install
# Uninstall the pre-commit hook:
gitlab-ci-linter uninstall

The self installation is pretty simple: it will just create a .git/hooks/pre-commit file as a symbolic link to itself.

It means updating the tool to a newer version will update all the hooks installed in all your repo => Good!
But moving the executable will broke commit in these repo until you manually remove the hook and reinstall it => Not so good...
Conclusion: install the tool in a safe and viable place :)

Note for Windows users: Windows require administrator privileges to create symbolic links. So the gitlab-ci-linter install command will only work if run with administrator privileges.

It won't be able to self install if a .git/hooks/pre-commit already exists (and is not a link to itself).

Self uninstall will only works if .git/hooks/pre-commit is a link to itself.

If you are already using a pre-commit hook, you'll have to install manually: simply add a call to the tool in your existing pre-commit script.

Integration with the pre-commit project

There is also native support for using gitlab-ci-linter as a pre-commit-hook in the pre-commit project. If you're using pre-commit, include this tool in your .pre-commit-config.yaml like this:

  - repo: https://gitlab.com/orobardet/gitlab-ci-linter/
    rev: < you define a git revision or tag here >
      - id: gitlab-ci-linter

Things to know

  • If no .gitlab-ci.yml is detected in the git repository root, the tool does nothing (if installed as pre-commit hook, it will not prevent the commit).
  • This tool works (or should) with any instance of Gitlab: gitlab.com or custom instance.
  • It uses the url of the remote origin to guess the url of the Gitlab to use (also works if the remote is ssh, as soon as the Gitlab respond on HTTP using the same FQDN as ssh)
  • If the /ci/lint API is not publicly accessible (e.g. 2FA is enforced), you can specify a personal access token using --personal-access-token|-p option or GCL_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable. The token must have api scope.


A bunch of options are available to configure the binary. All options can be also set using environment variables.
Option's value on the command line have precedence over environment variables.

   gitlab-ci-linter [global options] [command [command options]] [PATH]

Global options:
   --gitlab-url URL, -u URL             root URL of the Gitlab instance to use API (default: auto-detect from remote origin, else "https://gitlab.com") [$GCL_GITLAB_URL]
   --ci-file FILE, -f FILE              FILE is the relative or absolute path to the gitlab-ci file [$GCL_GITLAB_CI_FILE]
   --directory DIR, -d DIR              DIR is the directory from where to search for gitlab-ci file and git repository (default: ".") [$GCL_DIRECTORY]
   --personal-access-token TOK, -p TOK  personal access token TOK for accessing repositories when you have 2FA enabled [$GCL_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN]
   --timeout value, -t value            timeout in second after which http request to Gitlab API will timeout (and the program will fails) (default: 5) [$GCL_TIMEOUT]
   --no-color, -n                       don't color output. By defaults the output is colorized if a compatible terminal is detected. (default: false) [$GCL_NOCOLOR]
   --verbose, -v                        verbose mode (default: false) [$GCL_VERBOSE]
   --merged-yaml, -m                    include merged yaml in response (default: false) [$GCL_INCLUDE_MERGED_YAML]
   --help, -h                           show help (default: false)
   --version                            print the version information (default: false)
   If PATH if given, it will depending of its type on filesystem:
    - if a file, it will be used as the gitlab-ci file to check (similar to global --ci-file option)
    - if a directory, it will be used as the folder from where to search for a ci file and a git repository (similar to global --directory option)
   PATH have precedence over --ci-file and --directory options.

   check, c      Check the .gitlab-ci.yml (default command if none is given)
   install, i    install as git pre-commit hook
   uninstall, u  uninstall the git pre-commit hook
   version, v    Print the version information
   help, h       Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   If no command is given, 'check 'is used by default

Usage examples

Check the .gitlab-ci.yml of the git repository containing the current working directory:

# or
gitlab-ci-lint check

Check the .gitlab-ci.yml of another git repository directory:

gitlab-ci-lint /path/to/another/git
# or 
gitlab-ci-lint check /path/to/another/git
# or
gitlab-ci-lint --directory /path/to/another/git check

Check a specific CI file (not at the root of the git repository, or not name .gitlab-ci-.yml):

gitlab-ci-lint /path/to/ci-file.yml
# or 
gitlab-ci-lint check /path/to/ci-file.yml
# or
gitlab-ci-lint --ci-file /path/to/ci-file.yml check

Install a pre-commit hook in the current git repository:

gitlab-ci-lint install

Install a pre-commit hook in another git repository:

gitlab-ci-lint -d /path/to/another/git install

You don't want https://gitlab.com to be the default Gitlab URL to use? There is no origin remote configured in your repository? Or you don't want to use this gitlab?

gitlab-ci-lint --gitlab-url https://gitlab.my.org check

But you may prefer to use define the environment variable GCL_GITLAB_URL=https://gitlab.my.org, possibly in your shell init script, to configure this globally and also for pre-commit hooks.


This tool was my very first Go development, while learning the language.

It was done to fit my personal needs in context of my own day work.

So there is should be plenty room for improvement. Do not hesitate to propose bugfix, new features, or code improvements.
Open issues.

As I may not have a lot of time to implement propositions, the best way to have a request landing quickly is to come with a merge request :)


Get the package

go get gitlab.com/orobardet/gitlab-ci-linter

Dependencies and module

This software uses go module to handle dependencies. Just ensure to use a


A Makefile is provided, to build the executable you can simply run:


The Makefile accept the following targets (but not limited to):

  • build
  • clean
  • test: runs tests with code coverage
  • html-cover: generate an html report of tests coverage
  • check: runs some checks (fmt, vet, lint, security, cyclo, ...)
  • rebuild: force the rebuild from scratch (simply runs clean followed by build)
  • install: launch go install
  • run: run the program, after building it, if needed. Arguments for the program can be passed after the run target or using the RUNARGS environment variable.
# The following commands are equivalent:
make run -v check
RUNARGS="-v check" make run

The Makefile also accept the following environment variables:

  • BINARY: the name and path of the binary to build (by default .build/gitlab-ci-linter)
  • VERSION: the version number to include in the program (by default use the last git tag if any, else the short commit hash, both suffixed by -dev)
  • REVISION: the revision string to include in the program, typically the VCS commit hash (by default the git full commit hash)
  • BUILDTIME: the build date and time (by default the current ones, of course)
  • DEBUG: binaries a build without debug symbols to reduce their size (-s -w link options) ; setting DEBUG to a non-zero value (0 by default) will build binary with debug symbols

Other targets exists, look directly in the Makefile's comments.