
A laravel package that provides a composable interface for data filtering with query strings 😍

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel Filters

Imagine that ...

Filter with Query String

This URL:


automatically knew to filter the DB query by responding with users that have their

  • name containing myk
  • age as 21
  • company name containing rick-and-morty

and order the records by age in descending order, all without you having to write boilerplate code 😱.

Load Relationships

Or that you could automatically include a relationship for a model by adding a ?with_relationship to the URL 😍, like:


Hold your horses 😜, I'm about to show you how.


  • Run composer require mykeels/laravel-filters in your terminal to pull the package in.


  • In the Model class you wish to make filterable, use the FilterableTrait like:

use Mykeels\Filters\Traits\FilterableTrait;

class User {
  use FilterableTrait;
  • Create a filter class for that model e.g. UserFilter
namespace App\Filters;

use App\User;
use Mykeels\Filters\BaseFilters;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Carbon\Carbon;

class UserFilters extends BaseFilters
    public function name($term) {
        return $this->builder->where('users.name', 'LIKE', "%$term%");
    public function company($term) {
        return $this->builder->whereHas('company', function ($query) use ($term) {
            return $query->where('name', 'LIKE', "%$term%");
    public function age($term) {
        $year = Carbon::now()->subYear($age)->format('Y');
        return $this->builder->where('dob', '>=', "$year-01-01")->where('dob', '<=', "$year-12-31");

    public function sort_age($type = null) {
        return $this->builder->orderBy('dob', (!$type || $type == 'asc') ? 'desc' : 'asc');

Note how the name of each method maps to the key of each query string in /users?name=myk&age=21&company=rick-and-morty&sort_age=desc, and the parameters of the methods map to the values.

  • Inject UserFilters in your controller 😍, like:

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\User;
use App\Filters\UserFilters;

class UserController extends Controller {
  public function index(Request $request, UserFilters $filters)
      return User::filter($filters)->get();

That's all! 💃

Now, you can execute your app, and use variations of the query strings that your filters allow for. 🔥🔥🔥