
One attempt at making RPG on Godot just how I like it =)

Primary LanguageGDScriptMIT LicenseMIT


One attempt at making RPG on Godot just how I like it :)

Priority TODO

  • Fierro interiors.
  • Phamas Forest :D
  • Training cave outside redo


  • Some missing sounds, idiot (redo step sound cuz it sucks).
  • Tutorials (equipment, scrolls, items, back attack)
  • Data menu (enemies, characters, topics, journal)
  • Multi-message support.
  • Groups menu
  • Item synthesis
  • Fylgja stuff


  • Bank (moneyyy).
  • Limit.
  • Position effects (damage up/down)
  • Character info: scrolls and position. Fylgja option is visible but not done.
  • Skill tree learn function.
  • Shop UI.
  • Fixed status
  • Twin Flames barely there
  • Battle events
  • Implement Scan
  • Move battle camera effects
  • Jump movement effect
  • Items in battle oh whoop I already had donk dis but aey succ tho there was some troubleshooting :DD
  • Skill canUse show on list (grayed out). Use onMPChanged/onStatusChanged signals
  • Scan ability
  • Extra treasure (sword, phoenix down)
  • Cleave skill/repeat effect
  • Skills for boss
  • Redo battlebacks/position/camera, set to use close locations, add starting rotation for camera/battleground. Target icon currently ignores world rotation, what is it using for position? isn't it using global? o.o
  • Game over scene (retry, load, give up)
  • Floor layering
  • Health mini-huds
  • Multi-party support
  • Worldmap: fix graphic orientation, it should follow the pivot in this case I guess? See if can reconcile these two things.
  • Worldmap: fix movement direction, make it depend on camera's orientation.
  • Base for worldmap character/camera (different from regular).
  • Battle backgrounds.
  • Choice box.
  • Redone save/load screen.
  • Chaser enemies.
  • Make a new first map (I guess training cave?).
    • Push block omg!
    • Even a switch?? can't believe this!
  • Added compass.
  • Character skills screen: Skill check/use.
  • Implement skill use in party menu
  • Item use in party menu
  • Character animations: Move, death, standing, actionSpecific(effect), status
  • Scope change
  • Target select kind variance and priority fix (shenanigans with changing kind skills)
  • Effects
    • Apply basic damage
    • Show battler animation
    • Move battler
    • Spawn VFX
    • AddStatus: target, status
    • Wait effect
    • ApplyPercentDamage: hp/mp, amount
  • Collapse animation
  • Counter feature (can be extended for other counters)
  • Battle end screen
  • Escape option
  • Damage popups
  • Battle system
    • Turn behavior
    • Skill/Item selection
    • Target selection
    • Action execution
  • Basic UI (party menu)
    • Party menu main screen: select/open characters, inventory, etc
    • Character screens
      • Character Status layout: you can check status
      • Character equip: items can be equipped/unequipped
      • Character skills/learntree layout: list and tree are correctly populated
    • System: all options working (save,load,config,title,exit)
  • Finish with basic database structures
    • Spritesheets
    • BasicEffect
      • ApplyBasicDamage
    • Battlers
      • ElementAffinity
      • StatusAffinity
    • Actors
      • SkillLearnings
    • Skills: uses BasicEffect
    • Items: uses BasicEffect
      • Equip
    • Enemies EnemyAction
    • Troops
    • Status: uses BasicEffect
    • System
      • Starting party
      • Starting map/position
  • AudioManager
    • Volume support
    • BGM/BGS:
      • Multipurpose tracks, with crossfade/fadein/fadeout and loop points support.
        • N BGM tracks
        • N Ambient tracks (weather)
    • SFX:
      • System SE preload.
  • Translation stuff
    • Set up CSV for translations
  • Message box resize/reposition around objects and so on
  • Game State
    • Save/Load
    • Events
    • Map persistency
  • Map transitions