- 0
UpdateEntityConfigMigration run into an infinite loop due to dependency-injection update
#1116 opened by lccimat - 0
- 0
Bundle-less Actions Config Not Merged
#1114 opened by jimohalloran - 0
- 0
Install PHPCSFixer in Oro 6.0
#1110 opened by RocKordier - 0
Sending email with EmailModelSender throws an error after the update to 5.1.3
#1109 opened by yaroslavbr - 0
oro/platform vulnerable to CVE-2023-46733 and CVE-2023-46734
#1107 opened by ndeg - 2
- 2
- 1
- 0
- 0
Support https proxy
#1096 opened by hvanoch - 1
OroEmailBundle can't send email with Amazon SES
#1094 opened by jimohalloran - 2
Package guzzlehttp/guzzle 7.4.4 suffers vulnerabilities CVE-2022-31090 and CVE-2022-31091.
#1084 opened by ndeg - 1
- 0
- 0
Commmand oro:cron:integration:cleanup should exclude each connector per channel
#1086 opened by GautierDig - 0
- 1
update Symfony Latest stable version: 6.1.4.
#1088 opened by domaingood - 0
wrong render of item in CollectionType
#1087 opened by majoskorec - 0
Missing and wrong regions for Italy country
#1083 opened by baloo887 - 4
Symfony\Component\Process expects an array not a string.
#1081 opened by Daimyo7 - 1
DateTime filter does not show section for time on mobile
#1082 opened by hvanoch - 0
Warning: Undefined array key 1 (Missing colon in routing)
#1080 opened by Janvdv - 1
- 0
Attachment Parent Entity Id
#1078 opened by andriusvo - 0
Oro mysql privileges check not compatible with Sentry TracingServerInfoAwareDriverConnection
#1077 opened by Janvdv - 1
Datagrid export for other datagrid sources then ORM.
#1076 opened by hvanoch - 7
Audit field type registry bug
#1074 opened by andriusvo - 1
Columns not shown in report/segment on Firefox 91
#1072 opened by vtsykun - 0
Empty export result when pagination is hidden in datagrid
#1071 opened by hvanoch - 1
- 1
Wrong requirements report for image processor libs
#1068 opened by joancafom - 2
- 0
Multivendor invoicing
#1065 opened by ilad31 - 2
- 1
- 3
User Object in Config breaks ExtendEntity cache by loading ExtendUser before EntityExtend replaces it
#1059 opened by DylanSale - 7
Email template plain text editor read issue
#1055 opened by pepies - 1
- 2
Alternate Folder Structure for Schema Migrations
#1057 opened by jimohalloran - 2
Service "oro_security.error_listener": Parent definition "exception_listener" does not exist.
#1056 opened by hvanoch - 0
User sees messages for data-audit for field bigint type when the value didn't change.
#1053 opened by anyt - 1
Javascript error - _wdt route does not exist
#1050 opened by inodia - 4
Synchronize emails
#1049 opened by Iyadhfaleh - 2
- 0
Calling TagManager::deleteTagging() then TagManager::addTag() re-add deleted tags
#1045 opened by sadortun - 0
Datagrid Default filter not working with empty value
#1042 opened by sadortun - 0
Using 'choice' as name for a form does not work anymore
#1040 opened by hvanoch - 2
QueryBuilder: Error: 'filter__gpnpmultiEnum2' is already defined. (tested on demo.orocrm.comn)
#1039 opened by sadortun