
Example of integration between Cfe, MVC while using AspNet identity

Primary LanguageC#


Example of integration between standard MVC with the (great) help of CodeFluentEntities.


Code Fluent Entities is being used to replace EntityFramework thanks to the AspNetIdentity producer. See here: https://github.com/SoftFluent/CodeFluent-Entities/tree/master/Extensions/SoftFluent.AspNetIdentity


We integrated CodeTemplates folder so that you can generate Controller using the standard scaffolding feature and be plugged with CFE straight away.


View have been customized. Standard CFE properties have been taken into account while generating views (EntityState, RaisePropertyChangedEvents and RowVersion when needed)

Build & Run

SQL Producer is defaulting to MSSql in localhost. Set up your web.config and the producer connection string accordingly to run the solution