
manual script to download youtube videos

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Get Started

git clone https://github.com/orpheus/yt-downloader.git
cd yt-downloader
npm install


You need to install ffmpeg onto your system. For mac, just do

brew install ffmpeg

If you have the location, you can either harcode it in or set it via an env var

FFMPEG=path/to/ffmpeg node main.js

Add tracks to download

In downloadTracks.js create and export an object with the name as the key and the youtube url as the value.

module.exports = { 'A*S*Y*S - The Acid (Acid 2019)': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2PIhVwh3yA' }

Add as many as you'd like and run the program.


node main

Use namespaces

You can pass a namespace to the main command and it will download your files into a folder with the specified namespace name. The default namespace is library and will be used if one is not passed.

node main.js <namespace> // directory to store downloads inside the ./downloads/<namespace> folder

Errors and History Logs

If any errors occure during the process, it will not stop the script. You will see a log of the error in the process and the elements that errored will be logged to an errors.js file which you can use to keep track of which elements were not downloaded. Copy and paste this object into tracksToDownload if you want to retry. The errors object will always be for the last process. It does not keep a history of all errors for every time ran.

Each succesffuly downloaded track will be logged to a history.js file and set according to the namespace used. See history.js after a download for an example. This can be used to share with friends to easily copy/paste track data to download.