
ElectroTracker is an application that can calculate the total ammount of kilowatt consumption of the user and approximate bill that the user will have to pay in a month.

Primary LanguageJava

ElectroTracker - Lightning Fast Calculations

Due to overwhelming increased of thermal and solid waste pollution. We, our group decided to create an application that can track the electric energy consumption of the users. ElectroTracker is an application that can calculate the total ammount of kilowatt consumption of the user and approximate bill that the user will have to pay in a month.


  • Log-in and Registration - The system required the user to fill personal data that needed to be filled to serve as an authentication for the log-in page.
  • Firebase (Realtime Database) - The inputted data will be stored in the realtime database of the admins.
  • Navigation - It has a navigation drawer than can be used for navigating to different window pages.
  • Calculations - A window that will calculate all the user's input data.


  • Capistrano, Lean
  • Enerio, Jerymiah
  • Orphiano, Gabriel
  • Talag, Nathaniel

Link: https://github.com/orphiano-0/electrotracker-platform-tech/tree/master