
Terraform Cloud/Enterprise resource for Concourse

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Concourse resource for Terraform Cloud and Terraform Enterprise using Hashicorp's go-tfe library.

Maintenance Notes

  • This resource is effectively feature complete, and no major updates are expected in the near term. If you'd like to see a new feature, please create an issue.
    • If your feature request involves features of paid Terraform Cloud or Terraform Enterprise, you may need to provide access to a workspace for testing, since I only have access to the free Terraform Cloud.
  • Dependabot checks direct dependencies weekly; dependency updates will be released as patch versions.


  - name: tfe
    type: docker-image
      repository: orstensemantics/concourse-tfe-resource

Source Configuration

Name Required Description
organization Yes The name of your Terraform organization
workspace Yes The name of your workspace
token Yes An API token with at least read permission. With read permission, only in and check will work. With queue permissions, the confirm param will have no effect. Apply permission will allow full functionality.
address No The URL of your Terraform Enterprise instance. Defaults to https://app.terraform.io.


in - Retrieve a run and related information

  • Get will wait for the run to enter a final state (policy_soft_failed, planned_and_finished, applied, discarded, errored, canceled, force_canceled)
  • Get will not fail based on the final state of the run. If you need to respond to the final state, this will exit with a non-zero status if the run didn't end with a successful apply or a plan with no changes:
$ cat your_run/metadata.json | jq -e '.final_status | IN(["applied","planned_and_finished"], .)'
  • If the run requires confirmation to apply and confirm is true, get will apply the run.
    • This is determined by the actions.is-confirmable attribute of the run and not the auto-apply setting of the workspace, so this will apply to runs created by workspace triggers
  • Workspace variables, environment variables and state outputs will be retrieved:
    • IMPORTANT - the values returned will be the current ones, even if the provided run ID is not the latest.
    • ./vars will hold a file for each workspace variable, containing the current value of the variable. HCL variables will be in .vars/hcl. Sensitive variables will be empty.
    • ./env_vars will hold a file for each environment variable, containing the current value. Sensitive values will be empty.
    • ./outputs.json will be a JSON file of all of the root level outputs of the current workspace state. Sensitive values will be empty strings unless the sensitive param is true. Suitable for load_var/set_pipeline steps.
    • ./outputs will hold a file for each root level output of the current workspace state. Sensitive values will be empty files unless the sensitive param is true. Since outputs can be complex values, the contents of the file are JSON, so simple string outputs are quoted.
    • ./metadata.json will contain the same metadata values visible in the resource version.


Name Description Default
polling_period How many seconds to wait between API calls while waiting for runs to reach final states when getting a run. 5
sensitive Whether to include values for sensitive outputs. false
confirm If true and the workspace requires confirmation, the run will be confirmed. false
apply_message Comment to include while confirming the run. See below for available variables.

out - Push variables and create run

  • Any provided variables will be pushed to the workspace
  • A run will be queued.


Name Description
vars A map of workspace variables to push.
message Message to describe the run. Defaults to "Queued by ${pipeline}/${job} (${number})". See below for available variables.

Variable Parameters

At least one of value or file must be set for every entry. All others are optional.

Name Default Description
value A string value for the variable. Takes precedence over file.
file Relative path to a file containing a value to set. Ignored if value is set.
description A description of the variable.
category terraform Change to env to push an environment variable instead of a terraform variable. Only terraform and env are valid.
sensitive false If true, the variable value will be hidden
hcl false If true, the variable will be treated as HCL


    - ...
    - put: my-workspace
            # if you specify value *and* file, value will take precedence
            value: a value # you can specify a value directly
            file: someoutput/filename # or you can reference a file containing the value
            description: a description # optional 
            sensitive: true # optional, default is false
            hcl: true # optional, default is false
            value: a value
            file: someoutput/filename
            category: env
        message: Name of Build in Terraform Cloud # optional

Message Variables

The message and apply_message variables support interpolations via drone/envsubst. The table below lists the available variables. Most bash string replacement functions are supported (see the link for more details).

Variable Description Concourse Environment Variable
url The base URL of the concourse server. ATC_EXTERNAL_URL
team The name of the team owning the pipeline. BUILD_TEAM_NAME
pipeline The name of the pipeline. BUILD_PIPELINE_NAME
job The name of the job. BUILD_JOB_NAME
number The number of the build (e.g., 14.2) BUILD_NAME
id The concourse internal build ID. BUILD_ID

Running Tests

The tests include functional tests which list runs, put values, and create/wait for/get a run from a live Terraform Cloud workspace. To run the tests, you will need to set the environment variables below to point to your own testing workspace.

My workspace has auto-apply disabled and is linked to a github repository containing a minimal set of HCL to validate the resource:

  • simple and HCL inputs
  • a null resource with a timestamp trigger
  • simple and HCL outputs

This allows the tests to put a value, await a run which actually needs to apply, and get a complex output (which it should successfully render as JSON in its output).

Variable Description
ATLAS_TOKEN A valid terraform cloud workspace.
TFE_WORKSPACE The name of the workspace to use for test runs.
TFE_ORGANIZATION The name of the organization containing the workspace.
TFE_ADDRESS The URL to Terraform Cloud/Enterprise. If you don't have one, set to https://app.terraform.io.