A key value store for storing per-developer environment and application keys
- 5
- 3
- 0
Skipping Key Generation on Pod Install
#245 opened by djsomen - 2
How to Use Custom Keychain?
#215 opened by GarrettBeatty - 0
- 1
Release new version of orta / cocoapods-keys
#241 opened by bartoszkosiorek - 19
- 18
Problem with XCode 14 and m1 mac.
#232 opened by clintmod - 1
- 1
ERB.new is deprecated
#229 opened by ckuburlis - 27
Error loading plugin on M1 mac
#217 opened by simonmcl - 2
Your Podfile requires that the plugin `cocoapods-keys` be installed. Please install it and try installation again.
#234 opened by MhMudSalAh - 2
- 2
Pod Install
#219 opened by mobileteamz - 0
- 3
Support multiple projects
#222 opened by rogerluan - 1
No such module 'Keys'
#228 opened by dvb922 - 5
- 10
1.0.1 is always installed instead of 2.2.1
#224 opened by SumoSimo - 3
Obsolete key's value in generated file
#223 opened by PatrykKaczmarek - 3
Keys not being generated when using env file
#212 opened by ryoustra - 2
No such module 'Keys'
#220 opened by chunxige - 1
- 2
How can I remove a Keyring?
#216 opened by VanegasDev - 6
RuntimeError - Can't store password in Keychain
#194 opened by AhmedAskar - 2
- 3
Too many Xcode projects issue
#213 opened by vitasapple - 0
Pod install
#211 opened by koenbnl - 4
Is it possible to use this for WatchOS
#207 opened by auro-krishna - 2
cocoapods-keys as a dependency in podspec
#210 opened by shivaiahmahesha - 0
#208 opened by canada19l7 - 0
#209 opened by canada19l7 - 3
- 7
- 9
Not working with bitcode_enabled NO flag
#201 opened by muddsar - 3
How to update stored keys value ?
#200 opened by TheAbstractDev - 10
Generated obj-c class name is not changing after project name is changed in podfile
#168 opened by zcsipler - 9
Can't give travis machine keychain access
#166 opened by loudmouth - 1
Problem with $ in Key
#196 opened by maurovc - 1
the order of the properties in the generated header changes after every pod udpate
#195 opened by jain-a - 7
Keys not recorded in YML on first run.
#175 opened by ileitch - 2
cache problem in Xcode 10.1 new build system
#191 opened by xiangyu-sun - 0
#186 opened by 1kamalwadhwa - 8
Commit 7b95b95 breaks our watchOS builds
#180 opened by jcayzac - 2
Can use one key with Multi-target?
#179 opened by vnntsu - 2
NameError in preinstaller.rb
#178 opened by AndyIsaacson - 2
osx_keychain has 10 warnings
#174 opened by ykws - 0
rake spec has any offenses detected
#172 opened by ykws - 1
Loading keyrings from unvalidated YAML files.
#170 opened by Skogetroll - 2
Key input versus output
#169 opened by bakeddean