
Notes on what I'd like for a pretty ideal API codebase

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Notes on what I'd like for a pretty ideal API framework. 2 years into Redwood, and I'm really happy with how it's been as a tool for getting ideas up & running, then migrating out when it's time for an abstraction to get more focus.

Name: Burl?

Codebase would be:

  • In TypeScript
  • Trivial to run in debug mode inside VS Code
  • Few testing abstractions, want to run many tests very often on hooks


  • Deno would allow for better debugging, faster iteration and native TS
  • Node means keeping acccess to Jest and Wallaby


Lot of good stuff take from Redwood here, they have a generalized "functions" concept, then a lot of extra work for making a main GraphQL API.

  • Prisma -> SDL -> GraphQL Resolvers for main GQL API
  • Describe in SDL first, then resolvers. Make extremely tight.
  • Built-in support for graphql connections
  • Be able to know how many unqiue back & forths between the API a request took
  • Even better if that is generic so I can do the samme for extrnal services I need to ping
Code Positioning
  • Need a formalized "lib" section, with linter rules if resolvers get too long
  • Perhaps "scopes" e.g. "src/scope/leaderboard/archive.ts"

Probably need a similar place for tasks code


Being able to spin up a second version of the API with the specific goal of doing long-run or cron tasks should be a native feature

  • Hooks for allowing side processes (type codegen, relay for example) during dev
  • Keep auth as ACLs baked into the SDL
  • Systems for running tasks
  • Hot reloading for servers?
  • Type generation
  • Trivial system for

Things to look into: