
Simple playground to try together wonderful combination of Grafana 6 + Loki + Prometheus.


Simple playground to try together combination of awesome tools: Grafana 6 + Loki + Prometheus.

Start & Stop

# Start
git clone https://github.com/shadinua/demo-grafana-loki-prometheus
cd demo-grafana-loki-prometheus
docker-compose up

# Stop
docker-compose down

Grafana splitted dashboard: prometheus with loki


This playground contains:

  • loki - storage for logs
  • promtail that scrapes logs from your /var/log directory and puts to loki
  • cadvisor - exports metrics of running docker containers
  • prometheus - storage for metrics, get metrics from cadvisor, interface: http://localhost:9090
  • grafana with pre-configured both datasources — loki and prometheus, interface: http://localhost:3000, admin/test

What to play?

  • new explore panel: fast search for data, debug, easily play without creating complex dashboards
  • split screen: nice mode, where you can simultaneously see, for example, prometheus metrics at the left panel and loki logs on the right
  • queries to prometheus:
    • irate(container_cpu_system_seconds_total[20s])
    • container_memory_rss
    • ...
  • queries to loki
    • {job="varlogs"}
    • {__filename__="/var/log/syslog"}
    • ...
  • create dashboards
  • ... many many more ...