Plumeria is a fun and practical Discord bot and personal assistant for your Discord server.
- Easily find YouTube videos.
- Look up movies and get their synopsis and IMDB ratings.
- Lookup discography and music artists.
- Turn on the lights in your home with the IFTTT plugin.
- Create meme images on the fly.
- Get driving directions between two places.
Plumeria is written in Python 3. Plumeria is designed to work on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
One cool feature you'll find in Plumeria is the ability to chain commands together.
Here are some examples of commands and command chaining:
- Searching the Internet for an image and overlaying text on it:
.image skateboard | mt do this
- Getting the top tracks for a music tag on and finding a YouTube video for it:
.tagtop rock | youtube
- Choosing between several entries:
.choice pizza, burger, hot dogs | echo What's for dinner?
- Email yourself the last message (requires setup on IFTTT):
.last | ifttt email
- Drawing a pie graph of some results:
.results 18233 | pie
- Generate a directed graph:
.digraph a -> b; b -> c
- Change the server icon to a random image search using Bing for "flower":
.i flower | square | bg white | icon set
- Render a webpage and then make it an emoji:
.render <link href="" rel="stylesheet"><body bgcolor=white style="font-family: Pacifico, Arial, sans-serif; font-size:30pt;color:purple">pretty</body> | add emoji pretty
You can create aliases as well to reuse commands.
To run Plumeria, see the documentation.
- alias
- alias delete
- alias get
- alias export
- set
- set channel
- unset
- unset channel
- config get
- config info
- config list
- config defaults
- pypi
- packagist
- random user
- rubygems
- unicode escape
- unicode name
- unicode code
- resistors
- figlet
- dudu
- 8ball
- roll
- choice
- coin
- group prob
- minecraft status
- minecraft uuid
- minecraft body
- minecraft head
- minecraft face
- minecraft skin
- minecraft cape
- osu sig
- osu stats
- gitlab url
- gitlab addtoken
- gitlab removetoken
- gitlab tokens
- gitlab subscribe
- gitlab unsubscribe
- gitlab subscriptions
- graph
- digraph
- pie
- bar
- histogram
- qrcode
- fetch image
- memetext
- memetext2
- drawtext
- blur
- edge enhance
- emboss
- find edges
- sharpen
- bw
- square
- bg
- make spray
- tex
- avatar
- user
- icon
- server
- emoji create
- emoji delete
- icon set
- artist charts
- charts
- lyrics
- soundcloud
- lastfm
- lastfm tag
- lastfm artist
- spotify artist
- spotify track
- spotify album
- spotify discog
- spotify top
- push
- pop
- put
- get
- argparse
- servers
- upcoming
- balance
- strawpoll
- strawpoll results
- earthquakes
- cheapshark
- image
- cve
- translate
- anime
- imdb
- woot
- youtube
- recipes
- latlng
- directions
- wolfram
- similar music
- similar movies
- similar shows
- similar books
- similar authors
- similar games
- beer
- subreddit
- gravatar
- xkcd
- wallhaven
- urban
- stats
- abstract
- a2squery
- mean
- median
- median low
- median high
- median grouped
- mode
- pstdev
- pvariance
- stdev
- variance
- steam id
- steam profile
- steam avatar
- steam id64
- steam id32
- steam status
- uuid
- dashuuid
- hexuuid
- upper
- lower
- rot13
- idna
- punycode
- base64
- base64dec
- md5
- sha1
- sha224
- sha256
- urlescape
- unurlescape
- length
- findurl
- stripurl
- strip
- extract
- first
- end
- key
User Preferences
- pref set
- pref unset
- pref get
- pref list
- pref defaults
- help
- commands dump
- uptime
- update
- join
- ifttt
- last text
- last image
- last url
- timestamp
- screenshot
- screenshot mobile
- render crop
- render full
- echo
The project is licensed under the MIT license.