
multi-labeled dataset of resumes


multi-labeled dataset of resumes labeled with occupations. The resume files have the extension .txt and the corresponding labels are in a file with the extension .lab.

This dataset contains 3 files :

  • resumes_corpus.zip : This file contains a set of resumes files with the extension ".txt" with the corresponding list of labels in a file with the extension .lab
  • resumes_sample.zip : This file represents the dataset of resumes in a single text file. Each line of the file contains informations about a text resume. Each line has 3 fields separeted by ":::". The first field is the reference id of the resume; the second field is the list of occupations separeted by ";" ; and the third field is the text resume.
  • normalized_classes : This file contains the associations between the occupations as written by the experts and their corresponding normalized form.

To cite this :

Jiechieu, K.F.F., Tsopze, N. Skills prediction based on multi-label resume classification using CNN with model predictions explanation. Neural Comput & Applic (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-020-05302-x