REST API with Banking System written in golang
- PostgreSQL
- net/http
- Go
- Customers
- Create Customer
- Get All Customers
- Get Account
- Accounts
- Create Account with Customer
- Create and Associate an Account
- Get All Accounts
- Get Account
- Change Account Status
- Change Account Type
- Transactions
- Deposit
- Withdrawal
- Transfer By Account Number and Iban
- Create Transaction
- Get All Transactions
- Get Account Transactions
- Reports
- Customers Report
- Account Reports
- Transactions Report
- Statistics
- Customers Statistics
- Account Statistics
- Transactions Report
- Download or clone repository:
git clone
- Copy database scripts from _database folder to Postgres
- Change databaase connection from .env file
- Import Postman Collections from _api_collections
- Download Packages
go mod tidy
- Run Application:
go run main.go
POST /api/transactions/deposit
{ "account_number": "8792529764", "amount": 127000.10, "currency": "USD" }
POST /api/transactions/withdraw
{ "account_number": "8792529764", "amount": 1000.95, "currency": "USD" }
Transfer by Account Number
POST /api/transactions/transfer
{ "source_number": "8792529764", "destination_number": "7840163431", "amount": 529.98, "currency": "USD" }
Transfer by Iban
POST /api/transactions/transfer
{ "source_iban": "XX741234565111434546", "destination_iban": "XX481234569540236342", "amount": 12300.98, "currency": "USD" }
Create Account with Customer
POST /api/accounts/create-with-customer
{ "customer_name": "Anna Maria", "identification_number": "05455T5F644", "email": "", "phone": "+294678902348", "address": "Luanda, Angola", "account_type_id": 1, "currency": "USD" }
Create Account And Associate Customer
POST /api/accounts
{ "customer_id": 5, "account_type": 1, "currency": "USD" }
Change Account Status
PUT /api/accounts/change-status
{ "account_number": "8792529764", "account_status": 6 }
Change Account Type
PUT /api/accounts/change-type
{ "account_number": "8792529764", "account_type": 1 }