Instapound is a clone of the social media Instagram. Users can create a post, comment on the post and like it. They can also follow other users.
For the frontend I used JavaScript. React and Redux were used to render components and manage state. For routes, models, and controllers I used Ruby. A rails framework tied this code to a PostgreSQL database. I used AWS S3 to render and upload pictures. For the icons I used react-icons.
Users can create, update and delete their own posts.
Users can create, update and delete their own comments. Users can comment on their own post and on other users' post.
Users can like and unlike a post.
Users can follow and unfullow other users.
Function handleling the submition of a post
const handleSubmit = async e => {
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('post[title]', title);
if (photoFile) {
formData.append('post[photo]', photoFile);
setTimeout(() => {
let modal = document.getElementById('post-create-modal'); = 'none';
}, 1000)
- Implement a search to find users
- Add location in your post using google maps
- Add fovorites. Users can see what pictures they liked it