
cKeditor plugin to add aside buttons to the cKeditor option

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Aside plugin for cKeditor. Adds two buttons to the cKeditor menu for aside left and aside right.

To install:

  • Add this folder to the cKeditor plugins folder
  • Add the following CSS to cKeditor's content.css file:

aside { float:left; width:200px; padding: 20px; background-color: #E9E2E2; margin: 15px 15px 15px 0; }

  • Add the following CSS to the editor.css file of whichever theme is being used (kama is the default, so path would be skins/kama/editor.css):

.cke_icon{background-image:url(../../plugins/aside/images/aside.gif);background-position: 0;} .cke_skin_kama a.cke_button_asideRight .cke_icon {background-image:url(../../plugins/aside/images/aside-right.gif);background-position: 0;}

  • Add Aside and/or Aside Right to the list of toolbar options and list of extraPlugins like so:

CKEDITOR_CONFIGS = { "default": { "skin": "kama", "toolbar": [ ["Source", "-", "PasteText", "PasteFromWord", "RemoveFormat"], ["Find"], ["Image", "Flash", "Table", "HorizontalRule", "SpecialChar"], ["Undo", "Redo"], "/", ["Styles"], ["Bold", "Italic", "Strike", "TextColor", "Font", "FontSize"], ["NumberedList", "BulletedList", "-", "Outdent", "Indent", "Blockquote", "Aside", "Aside Right"], ["Link", "Unlink", "Anchor"], ["Maximize"] ], "height": 450, "width": 760, "filebrowserWindowWidth": 940, "filebrowserWindowHeight": 747, "filebrowserBrowsePatternName": "fb_browse", "filebrowserBrowseParams": "?pop=3&type=image", "extraPlugins" : "aside,font", "autoParagraph": False, "fillEmptyBlocks": False,

