
The docker-compose script doesnt work for me

jhjacobs81 opened this issue · 4 comments

using the default docker-compose.yaml provided in this repository, i get the error as seen as on the image :(


i may just have figured out the problem.. i didnt include the config file :O i'll try later on today

adding a valid config.yaml results in this:

jackal_1 | wait-for-it.sh: pgsql:5432 is available after 1 seconds
jackal_1 | wait-for-it.sh: waiting 15 seconds for etcd:2379
jackal_1 | wait-for-it.sh: etcd:2379 is available after 0 seconds
jackal_1 | {"level":"info","ts":"2021-07-08T11:01:38Z","msg":"Jackal is starting...","instance_id":"d4636682-4b7f-460d-a844-96165d9e2ca1","version":"v0.54.1","go_ver":"go1.16.3","go_os":"linux","go_arch":"amd64"}
jackal_1 | 2021-07-08 11:01:58.759751 I | context deadline exceeded
dockerfiles_jackal_1 exited with code 1

👋 hi @jhjacobs81!

it appears there's no etcd instance available at etcd:2379 address. does this make sense?

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