
Update the logo

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I have seen a beautiful logo but the XMPP logo has been updated last year, can you update it too?

Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:XMPP_logo.svg

Sorry, but I don't see any clear difference between the current logo and the one included in the README.md file (gopher + xmpp).

@ortuman there was an issue in the XMPP Logo where the "arms" were being rendered in the wrong order. In your logo the orange color of the right arm renders over the left, even though in general the left arm is over the right. This has been fixed in the version of the logo on the XSFs site.

Good point @SamWhited! I'll fix it asap. Thx!


@ortuman: Can you update the logo a new time?

There were 2 changes in the XMPP logo, please look here:

Old version, there was a problem: https://i.ibb.co/vcqmc8b/xmpp-logo-xsf-test.png

@ortuman: The logo in this repository is;

Can you update it with the good XMPP logo?