
Primary LanguageJavaScript

README guide on how to run Problem 1 and Problem 2 in the command terminal:



This repository contains solutions to two programming problems related to job scheduling and distribution of goodies. Each problem is implemented in Node.js and provides a command-line interface for user interaction.

Problem 1: Job Scheduling

This program calculates the maximum profit that an employee named John can earn by selecting non-overlapping jobs, as well as the number of jobs and earnings available for other employees.

Problem 2: Distribution of Goodies

This program determines the best distribution of goodies among employees, ensuring that the difference between the highest and lowest priced goodies is minimized.


  • Node.js: Ensure you have Node.js installed on your machine. You can download it from nodejs.org.

Running the Solutions

Problem 1: Job Scheduling

  1. Navigate to the Project Directory: Open your command terminal and navigate to the directory where the problem1.js file is located. Use the cd command:

    cd path/to/your/project
  2. Run the Program: Execute the following command to run the job scheduling program:

    node problem1.js
  3. Input Format:

    • Enter the number of jobs when prompted.
    • For each job, input the start time (in HHMM format), end time (in HHMM format), and profit sequentially.

    Example input:

    Enter the number of jobs: 3
    Enter details for job 1:
    Start time (in HHMM format): 0900
    End time (in HHMM format): 1030
    Profit: 100
    Enter details for job 2:
    Start time (in HHMM format): 1000
    End time (in HHMM format): 1200
    Profit: 500
    Enter details for job 3:
    Start time (in HHMM format): 1100
    End time (in HHMM format): 1200
    Profit: 300
  4. Output: After entering all job details, the program will output the number of tasks left for other employees and the earnings available for them.

Problem 2: Distribution of Goodies

  1. Navigate to the Project Directory: Open your command terminal and navigate to the directory where the problem2.js file is located. Use the cd command:

    cd path/to/your/project
  2. Run the Program: Execute the following command to run the goodies distribution program:

    node problem2.js
  3. Input Format:

    • When prompted, enter the name of the input file containing the goodies and their prices. The file should follow this format:
      Number of employees: 4
      Goodies and Prices:
      Fitbit Plus: 7980
      IPods: 22349
      MI Band: 999
      Cult Pass: 2799
      Macbook Pro: 229900
      Digital Camera: 11101
      Alexa: 9999
      Sandwich Toaster: 2195
      Microwave Oven: 9800
      Scale: 4999
  4. Output: After processing the input file, the program will create a file named sample_output.txt with the selected goodies and the price difference between the highest and lowest priced goodies.

Example of Execution

To run the job scheduling program:

node problem1.js

To run the goodies distribution program:

node problem2.js


This README provides a step-by-step guide on how to run the solutions for both problems using Node.js in a command-line terminal.