OpenSFX README Last updated: 2021-02-25 Release version: {{GRF_TITLE}} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table of Contents: ------------------ 1.0) About OpenSFX * 1.1) License 2.0) Installing OpenSFX * 2.1) Installing OpenSFX manually * 2.2) Installing OpenSFX using the Online Content service 3.0) Obtaining the source * 3.1) Compiling the source * 3.2) Contributing 4.0) Credits * 4.1) Sound credits of source sounds * 4.2) Sound editors * 4.3) Other authors * 4.4) License reference 1.0) About OpenSFX ==== ============= OpenSFX is a set of base sounds for OpenTTD and is the result of the "Sound Effects Replacement" project. OpenSFX is a replacement for the original Transport Tycoon Deluxe base sounds used by OpenTTD. The main goal of OpenSFX therefore is to provide a set of free sounds which make it possible to play OpenTTD without requiring the (copyrighted) files from the Transport Tycoon Deluxe CD. The OpenSFX sounds are free as in 'free beer' and free as in 'freedom'. 1.1) License ==== ======= OpenSFX is free software, you are allowed to freely use, copy, modify and share this, even commercially, as long you follow the licenses. The OpenSFX sounds are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. All other files, including text files, scripts, etc. are dual-licensed under: GNU General Public License version 2 (or later) and Common Development and Distribution License 1.1. You can find the full license texts in license.txt. 2.0) Installing ==== ========== OpenSFX is available from at least three locations. This readme will only cover the official download locations. We cannot support third party download locations and we cannot refund your money if you have paid money for OpenSFX. There are three ways to get the latest stable release: * If you are new to OpenTTD, you do not have access to the original Tranport Tycoon Deluxe files and you are using the Windows installer to install OpenTTD you can select OpenSFX to be downloaded during the installation of OpenTTD. * If you are new to OpenTTD and do not have access to the original Tranport Tycoon Deluxe files, you will have to download and install OpenSFX manually. This is really not that difficult as it may sound, so do not worry too much about that. o Download location: o Installation instructions: Installing OpenSFX Manually. * If you already have OpenTTD up and running, the in-game Online Content service is the easy way to obtain OpenSFX. o Download location: use the in-game Online content service o Installation instructions: Installing OpenSFX using the Online Content service. 2.1) Installing OpenSFX Manually ==== =========================== 1. First, make sure that you have downloaded and installed at least OpenTTD version 1.0.0 or a recent nightly. 2. Next, download the latest OpenSFX package. (stable nightly) 3. Unpack the zip into the OpenTTD's /baseset directory. There is no need to unpack the tar file, so just leave it as it is. Your OpenTTD /baseset directory is either located in: * An OpenTTD folder in your user account's home directory: * Windows: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\OpenTTD * macOS: ~/Documents/OpenTTD * GNU/Linux: ~/.openttd * The OpenTTD installation directory. 4. Run OpenTTD. 5. In the main menu of the game, click the Game Options button. The Game Options dialog will appear. 6. Select OpenSFX from the drop-down list below Base sound set if that's not selected already (bottom left of window). Close the window using the × in the upper left corner. * If you did not install the original Tranport Tycoon Deluxe base sounds during the installation of OpenTTD, you can skip this step. * If you installed the original Tranport Tycoon Deluxe base sounds as well, this is where you can switch base sound sets. 2.2) Installing or Updating OpenSFX using the Online Content service ==== =============================================================== This method uses the Online content service (BaNaNaS) to download OpenSFX. In order to use this, you need a working OpenTTD (at least 1.0.0). 1. Start OpenTTD and on the main menu click the Check online content button. A new window will pop up. * If OpenTTD does not start, follow the manual installation procedure. 2. Find the OpenSFX entry from the list at the left. You can use the search box in the upper right corner of the window. 3. Click the little square in front of the OpenSFX entry in order to mark it for download. 4. Click the Download button in the bottom right corner. After download, close the open windows. 5. In the main menu of the game, click the Game Options button. The Game Options dialog will appear. 6. Select OpenSFX from the drop-down list below Base sound set if that is not selected already (bottom left of window). Close the window using the × in the upper left corner. * This is where you can switch base sound sets. 3.0) Obtaining the source ==== ==================== The OpenSFX source is available in a Git repository. You can use Git to do a checkout from this address: > git clone For releases you can download the (released) tarballs from: > 3.1) Compiling the source ==== ==================== For compiling the source you need: * catcodec ( * (GNU) make * md5sum * cut * a sh compatible shell * git if you want it to be properly versioned If you want to package you also need tar, zip and possibly bzip2. 3.2) Contributing ==== ============ Contributing to OpenSFX can be done in several ways, but they generally end up with providing (improved) samples for the set. If you have got a better sample than we currently have you can make that know via an issue at: > Please mention who made the original samples and that the sample has been released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license or a license that allows us to release it under that license (for example, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported or Creative Commons Zero 1.0). 4.0) Credits ==== ======= Most sounds come from and and were edited by OpenTTD contributors in order to make them suitable for the game. Most source sounds have been released under libre licenses like CC BY 3.0, allowing sharing and remixing. To see detailed license info about the actual sound files in OpenSFX, see "src/opensfx.sfo" in the source repository. 4.1) Sound credits of source sounds ==== ============================== This section gives credit to the original sound authors, i.e. the sounds before they were edited. All sounds are sorted by their license or legal status. The name of the author, the origin website, the original file name and the URL (if available) are given, in this order. 4.1.1) Public Domain ====== ============= * "Aldor" from "" * Ascenseur / Elevator * David R Barnes ("earthcalling") from "" * Corner of a sheep field in summer 4.1.2) CC0 1.0 ====== ======= * "1sticky8" from "" * Dumpster_Diving.wav <> * "Bidone" from "" * Affen schreit.mp3 <> * Elaine Miller ("Miselaineous" at "") * elaine-growl.wav <> * "Matias.Reccius" from "" * crashB.wav <> * "Necrosensual" from "" * aluminum02.wav <> * "Q.K." from "" * Metal_03.wav <> * "sagetyrtle" from "" * crash.wav <> * "saphix" from "" * file0375.mp3 <> * "simon.rue" from "" * Boink_v3.wav <> * "SlykMrByches" from "" * splattt.mp3 <> * Tom Haigh ("audible-edge" at "") * Nissan Maxima burnout (04-25-2009).wav <> * "Metzik" from "" * Train passby (tape stop).wav <> * "SpaceJoe" from "" * Bird Noise - 1.wav <> * Bird Noise - 12.wav <> * "MrVasLuk" from "" * Airplane propeller.wav <> * "ibisradio" from "" * 5_Navy-Blue-Angels-jets_CLIP.wav <> * "mcpable" from "" * Industrial Air Horn.wav <> * "ecfike" from "" * A Tree Falling Down.wav <> * "fkurz" from "" * cutting_tree.wav <> * "JarredGibb" from "" * Cow - Moan 2 - 96kHz.wav <> * "marvman" from "" * shaker2.wav <> * Jan Schupke alias "Vehicle" from "" * vial-glass-square-cinnamon-sticks-open-02.wav <> * "Mark_Ian" from "" * RRCrossing.wav <> * "Beviceps" from "" * Cartoon - Slurp!.wav <> * "ristooooo1" from "" * Bubbles 001.wav <> * "musicmasta1" from "" * CarStartSkidCrash.wav <> 4.1.2) CC BY 3.0 ====== ========= * "AGFX" from "" * Squeeky ball Toy_1.L.wav <> * "Anton" from "" * wind1.wav <> * "Benboncan" from "" * Circular saw crosscutting.wav <> * "cfork" from "" * boing_raw.aif <> * Derek Murphy ("robbiesurp" at "") * wfl5.5_snap.wav <> * "" ("digifishmusic" at "") * Passenger jet departs 2.wav <> * "dobroide" from "" * <> * "Goldy-sama" from "" * bulle.wav <> * "Halleck" from "" * JacobsLadderLong2.flac <> * "han1" from "" * Car start and drive.mp3 <> * claxon.wav <> * "man" from "" * swosh.aif <> * "Marec" from "" * metro.wav <> * "icmusic" from "" * london bus approaches & leaves.wav <> * "jascha" from "" * kick_1.wav <> * "JFBSAUVE" from "" * CHAINSAW.wav <> * "joedeshon" from "" * slide_whistle_down_fast_01.wav <> * "l0calh05t" from "" * in the smithy 2.wav <> * "Leady" from "" * Dropping a large gun.wav <> * Leon Milo ("milo" at "") * msfinmarken_Bergen.aif <> * ship2_bergen.aif <> * "lonemonk" from "" * Approx 850 - Enthusiast Audience.wav <> * "NoiseCollector" from "" * CRASH2.wav <> * "patchen" from "" * Locomotive 1 Distant horn.wav <> * "Pooleside" from "" * nnb04_maxed.wav <> * Richard Frohlich ("FreqMan" at "") * whoosh06.wav <> * "roscoetoon" from "" * t_start1.mp3 <> * "Sedi" from "" * ae_51_m.wav <> * "Stickinthemud" from "" * Bike Horn double toot.wav <> * "suonho" from "" * ELEMENTS_WATER_02_Phasin-bubbles.wav <> * "VEXST" from "" * Snare 4.wav <> * "bigpickle51" from "" * Landing Jet 5 (Close).wav <> * "Cheeseheadburger" from "" * Plane Cessna start stop.wav <> * "eliasheuninck" from "" * steam train horn 01.wav <> * "Bluesy1905" from "" * air hammer half close.wav <> * "InspectorJ" from "" * Slide Whistle, Descending, B (H1).wav <> * "swordofkings128" from "" * "raw_bubblingdrink.ogg" <> 4.1.3) CC BY-SA 3.0 ====== ============ * Lorenzo Sutton ("lorenzosu" at ""): * helicopterRaw_16sec.wav <> 4.2) Sound editors ==== ============= Editing/(re)mixing was done by: * Janis Lukss ("Pendrokar" at "") * "janusz" from "" * "Jklamo" from "" * Remko Bijker ("Rubidium" at "") * Richard Wheeler ("Zephyris" at "") * "Wuzzy" from "" A detailed list of who has worked on what sample is available in the file "src/opensfx.sfo" in the source repository. 4.3) Other authors ==== ============= This is a list of sound creators that contributed their work directly to OpenSFX: * Remko Bijker ("Rubidium" at "") * Started the OpenSFX project, author of the initial scripts, text files, chose most of the initial sounds * Janis Lukss ("Pendrokar" at "") * Own recordings/mixes * Timo A. Hummel ("Felicitus" at "") * Own work 4.4) License reference ==== ================= You can find the complete license texts here: * CC0 1.0: <> * CC BY 3.0: <> * CC BY-SA 3.0: <> * GNU GPLv2: <> * CDDL 1.1: <>