
A combination of FreeCAD python script and GMSH mesh generator to produce ONERA M6 helicopter CAD and mesh.

Primary LanguagePython

FreeCAD python script to generate ONERA M6 mesh

The script generates a file with .geo extension to be read by Gmsh mesh generator.

The geometry is based on https://www.grc.nasa.gov/www/wind/valid/m6wing/m6wing.html.
For boundary conditions see https://su2code.github.io/tutorials/Inviscid_ONERAM6.

Tested with

FreeCAD version: 0.18.4
Gmsh version: 4.7.1

FreeCAD images

Orthonormal view of the wing.

Top view of the wing.

Gmsh images

Geometry from isometric view.

Geometry from another view to show symmetry plane.

Tetrahedral mesh.

Close-up view to airfoil.