Fonts for realizing the Honzi-Jyutcitzi mixed script in Hong Kong Cantonese.
Without theses font, the Jyutcitzi characters cannot be properly rendered on a computer or internet browser. In terms of fonts, PMingLiU (Regular), SourceHanSerifTC (all weights) and SourceHanSansHC (all weights) have all been augmented with Jyutcitzi characters. SourceHanSansHWHC (all weights) has also been included in the set of fonts, though it only contains Jyutcitzi characters.
Install Font on Computer
For Mac: Open the TTF file using Font Book, and click “install”
For Windows: Right-click on the TTF file and select install
Install Font on Browser
Chromium Browsers (i.e. Google Chrome, Brave, ...):
- Open chrome://settings/fonts
- Set the Standard and Sans-serif font to JyutcitziWithSourceHanSansHC, and the Serif font to JyutcitziWithSourceHanSerifTC
Firefox > Preferences > Language and Appearance > Fonts and Colours
More at https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/change-fonts-and-colors-websites-use