Let's build a quoteboard!

Today, we are building a web app that stores and displays quotes that a user inputs.

In our project folder, we have a 'static' folder where you can add css files, and a 'templates' folder where you'll find all of our templates (html files) that we are/will be using.

In today's lab, you'll only work with and edit one main Python file and 2 templates: home.html and display.html. Flask session has already been imported in the main Python file.

First things first, fork this repo(sitory) and clone it to your desktop!

Part 1: Home

  1. Add a form to home.html! Take in a quote, the quote's author, and the author's age.

  2. When the form is submitted, store the form's information in login_session, example: login_session['age'] = age.

  3. Display thanks.html if the form's information is successfully submitted and stored.

  4. Use try and except to handle errors with storing the form responses in the login session. If there is an error, users should be redirected to error.html.

Part 2: Display Page

  1. Fill in display.html with a template to display a quote, author, and age.

  2. Pass information from login_session to display.html.

  3. Check to make sure the display page will now correctly display the quote that a user enters.


  • Add a button to the display page to take in additional quotes
  • Modify the display.html template to loop through a list of submitted quotes and display all of them.
  • Use CSS to make your quoteboard look like an actual whiteboard!