Back to the Future: DeLorean Decoding for Commonsense Reasoning

This repo hosts the code for the following paper:

Back to the Future: Unsupervised Backprop-based Decoding for Counterfactual and Abductive Commonsense Reasoning
Lianhui Qin, Vered Shwartz, Peter West, Chandra Bhagavatula, Jena Hwang, Ronan Le Bras, Antoine Bosselut, Yejin Choi
EMNLP 2020

  • The code consists of the implementations for the two tasks, namely counterfactual reasoning and abductive reasoning, respectively.
  • Example small data is included in data/
  • Ranking code is included in ranking/
  • Decoding and ranking results will be put in output/

Counterfactual Reasoning


Run the following cmd to do DeLorean decoding for counterfactual reasoning, on the example data in data/counterfactual/small_data.json


Results are written to output/counterfactual/, which include the generated hypotheses using different hyperparameters (#forward-backward passes and #backward iterations). These results are then to be ranked in the following.


Run the following cmds to rank the hypotheses

cd ranking/

Ranked results are written to output/counterfactual/ranking

Abducive Reasoning

The code and usage are largely the same as those of counterfactual reasoning. We write different code files for different data processing, loss functions, etc.


Run the following cmd to do DeLorean decoding for abductive reasoning, on the example data in data/abductive/small_data.json


Results are written to output/abductive/, which include the generated hypotheses using different hyperparameters (#forward-backward passes and #backward iterations). These results are then to be ranked in the following.


Run the following cmds to rank the hypotheses

cd ranking/

Ranked results are written to output/abductive/ranking

Acknowledgement: the decoding and ranking code uses Huggingface Transformers. The decoding code is adapted (though with large changes) from the Plug-and-Play LM code.