A streaming data visualization engine for Javascript, Perspective makes it simple to build real-time & user configurable analytics entirely in the browser.
A fast, memory efficient streaming pivot engine written principally in C++ and compiled to both WebAssembly and asm.js via the emscripten compiler.
An embeddable, framework-agnostic configuration UI, based on Web Components, and a WebWorker engine host for responsiveness at high frequency.
A suite of simple visualization plugins for some common Javascript libraries such as HighCharts and Hypergrid.
Runtimes for the Browser and Node.js.
- superstore.html A static
demo. - citibike.html NYC Citibike availability map.
- streaming.html A streaming random data demo.
- coincap.html Streaming crypto currency prices via Coincap.io.
- theme-material.html Material theme example.
- csv.html Upload a CSV of your own.