
simplified work with SQL Server or MS Access databases for your website, convenient wrapper

Primary LanguageVisual BasicMIT LicenseMIT


simplified work with SQL Server or MS Access databases for your website, convenient wrapper

Contains DB class. Pure VB.NET, let me know if you want C# version.

Why I created this library?

Because of much easier and simplier work with queries and results. Compare:

DB.vb usage:

Dim db = New DB()
Dim sql = "SELECT * FROM table ORDER by id"
Dim rows = db.array(sql); 'db opened automatically based on web.config, errors handled automatically
For Each row As Hashtable In rows
    'work with row("Field1"), row("Field2")
db.disconnect() 'not necessary as disconnect happens on db object disposal

compare to "native" SqlConnection/SqlCommand/SqlDataReader usage:

Dim connectionString as String = "Data Source=(local)\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=demo;Integrated Security=True" //sample
Dim sql As String = "SELECT * FROM table ORDER by id"
Using connection As New SqlConnection(connectionString)
    Dim command As New SqlCommand(sql, connection)
    Dim reader As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()
        While reader.Read()
            'work with fields: Field1 now in reader(0), Field2 in reader(1)
        End While
        ' Always need to call Close when done reading.
    End Try
End Using

API Summary

The following methods available


  • connect() opens connection to database (optional as connection opened on first sql request to database)
  • check_create_mdb(filepath) create new MS Access database (TBD remove? is it necessary)
  • disconnect() disconnect from currently connected db (optional as disconnect happens on db object disposal)

for parametrized sql queries (best practice to prevent sql-injections)

  • value(table_name, where[, field_name[, order_by]]) get single value from table/where conditions and optional field_name (if not passed - first field value returned)
  • value(table_name, where, 'count(*)') get count(*) from table/where
  • value(table_name, where, '1') get "1" if row exists
    Dim name = db.value("users", New Hashtable From {{"id", 1}}, "user_name")
    Dim ctr = db.value("users", New Hashtable, "count(*)")
  • row(table_name, where[, order_by]) get single row (first row) by table/where and optional order by
    Dim table_name = "items"
    Dim row = db.row(table_name, New Hashtable From {{"id", 1}})
    'select * from items where id=1

    Dim where = New Hashtable From {{"status", 0}}
    Dim row = db.row(table_name, where, "prio desc")
    'first row from - select * from items where status=0 order by prio desc
  • array(table_name, where[, order_by]) get all rows by table/where and optional order by
    Dim table_name = "items"
    Dim where = New Hashtable From {{"status", 0}}
    Dim rows = db.array(table_name, where, "prio desc")
    'select * from items where status=0 order by prio desc
    For Each row As Hashtable In rows
        'work with row("fieldname") values
  • col(table_name, where[, field_name[, order_by]]) get all value from table/where conditions and optional field_name (if not passed - first field/column values returned)
    Dim names = db.col("users", New Hashtable From {{"status", 0}}, "user_name", "user_name desc")
    'select user_name from users where status=0 order by user_name desc
    For Each name As String In names
        'work with user name
  • insert(table_name, data) insert new row into db, return last inserted id
    Dim user = New Hashtable From {
    Dim id = db.insert("users", user)
  • update(table_name, data, where) update record by where conditions (AND)
    Dim user = new Hashtable From {
        {"name","John Smith"}
    Dim id = db.update("users", user, New Hashtable From {{"id", 1}})
  • update_or_insert(table_name, data, where) tries to update, it no records affected - insert new record, retrun number of affected rows
    'assuming email is unique key, so if no record with such email found - new record will be inserted
    Dim user = new Hashtable From {
        {"name","John Smith"},
    db.update_or_insert("users", user, user)
    Dim id = value("SELECT @@identity")
  • del(table_name, where) delete record by where conditions (AND)
   db.del("users", New Hashtable From {{"id", 1}})

for raw sql queries

  • query(sql) run arbitrary sql query and return DbDataReader
  • exec(sql) run arbitrary non-select sql query (for inserts, updates...)
  • update(sql) alias for exec(sql)
  • value(sql) get single value via arbitrary sql
  • row(sql) get single row As Hashtable via arbitrary sql
  • array(sql) get all rows As ArrayList of Hashtables via arbitrary sql
    Dim rows = db.array("SELECT * FROM users")
    For Each row As Hashtable In rows
        'work with row("fieldname") values
  • col(sql) get all values As ArrayList from first column


  • q(string[, length=0]) quote string - double single quotes and wrap result into single quotes, optionally trim to left length chars
  • q_ident(string) quote identifier (table or field name)
  • qq(string) quote string witout wrapping result into single quotes
  • qi(string) quote string as integer - convert string into Integer
  • qf(string) quote string as float - convert string into Double
  • qd(string) quote string as date or NULL (if string cannot be parsed as Date)
  • quote(table_name, data) quote all field names and values in data for a table according to field types
  • qone(table_name, field_name, field_value) quote one field value according to table/field type
  • left(string, length) trim string and return only left length chars

where helpers for parametrized queries

  • insql(params) - create sql like "IN (1,2,3)" or "IN (NULL)"" if empty params passed
    where = " field "& db.insql("1,2,3,4")
    where = " field "& db.insql("this,that,another,value")
    where = " field "& db.insql(string())
    where = " field "& db.insql(ArrayList)
  • opIN(value1,value2) or opIN(array_of_values) IN operator
    Dim rows = db.array("users", New Hashtable From {{"id", db.opIN(1, 2)}})
    'select * from users where id IN (1,2)
  • opNOTIN(value1,value2) or opNOTIN(array_of_values) NOT IN operator
    Dim rows = db.array("users", New Hashtable From {{"id", db.opNOTIN(1, 2)}})
    'select * from users where id NOT IN (1,2)
  • opNOT(value) NOT EQUAL condition
    Dim rows = db.array("users", New Hashtable From {{"status", db.opNOT(127)}})
    'select * from users where status<>127
  • opLE(value) LESS THAN condition
    Dim rows = db.array("users", New Hashtable From {{"access_level", db.opLT(50)}})
    'select * from users where access_level<50
  • opLT(value) GREATER or EQUAL than operation
    Dim rows = db.array("users", New Hashtable From {{"access_level", db.opGE(50)}})
    'select * from users where access_level>=50
  • opGT(value) GREATER THAN than operation
    Dim rows = db.array("users", New Hashtable From {{"access_level", db.opGT(50)}})
    'select * from users where access_level>50
  • opISNULL(value) check if field IS NULL
    Dim rows = db.array("users", New Hashtable From {{"field", db.opISNULL()}})
    'select * from users where field IS NULL
  • opISNOTNULL(value) check if field IS NOT NULL
    Dim rows = db.array("users", New Hashtable From {{"field", db.opISNOTNULL()}})
    'select * from users where field IS NOT NULL
  • opLIKE(value) LIKE operator
    Dim rows = DB.array("users", New Hashtable From {{"address1", db.opLIKE("%Orlean%")}})
    'select * from users where address1 LIKE '%Orlean%'
  • opNOTLIKE(value) LIKE operator
    Dim rows = DB.array("users", New Hashtable From {{"address1", db.opNOTLIKE("%Orlean%")}})
    'select * from users where address1 NOT LIKE '%Orlean%'

db structure

  • tables() return names of all database tables as ArrayList
  • load_table_schema_full(table) return ArrayList of Hashtables with information about table columns
  • get_foreign_keys(table) return ArrayList of Hashtables with information about table foreign keys


  • there is a dependency on osafw framework (logger and config), need to be refactored
    • redo logging via Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine or other way
    • config - read connection from web.config or constructor params
  • better error handling without dependency on framework